
In: Advanced Math

Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.), determine the type of tool that you...

Among the tools (e.g., graphics tools, knowledge-based tools, etc.), determine the type of tool that you would use for process improvement framework. Next, determine the type of tool you would use for problem solving framework. Justify your response.


Expert Solution

so we will discuss data collection collection is important to solve the problem by analyzing the data

by absorbing the old data we can say where we have done mistakes and improve it

so examples are survey which is a data collection

service provider will collect the comments and improve the service by reading the comments which they have problem

Problem solving is a systematic method that requires the utilization of one of the problem solving strategy

The strategies or methods are either generic or ad hoc

it is also carried out by artificially intelligent computer systems.

Computer programming algorithms called evolutionary algorithms ca evolve to understand the problems and adopt to them and come up with feasible solutions to these problems.

some of the problem solving strategies are

Abstraction: This is a problem solving technique in which the problem solution is performed in a problem model before it is applied in the actual system.

Divide and conquer: In this strategy, the problem is divided into smaller chunks so that it can be made manageable.

Lateral thinking: In this technique, indirect methods of problem solution are used in a creative manner.

Method of focal objects: synthesizing seemingly non-matching characteristics of different objects into something new

Morphological analysis: assessing the output and interactions of an entire system

Proof: try to prove that the problem cannot be solved. The point where the proof fails will be the starting point for solving it

Trial-and-error: testing possible solutions until the right one is found.

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