
In: Nursing

The diseases chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma Check All That Apply are both almost universally fatal. are typically...

The diseases chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma

Check All That Apply

  • are both almost universally fatal.

  • are typically initiated after the skin is pierced by thorns or other vegetative debris.

  • are respiratory diseases.

  • are fast moving and have short incubation periods.

  • are marked by disfiguring lesions.


Expert Solution

Answer- The diseases chromoblastomycosis and mycetoma are not respiratory disease.


Clinical picture

Mycetoma is characterized by a triad of painless ‎subcutaneous mass, multiple sinuses and discharge ‎containing grains. It usually ‎spreads to involve the skin, deep structures and bone resulting in ‎destruction, ‎deformity and loss of function, which may be be fatal. ‎Mycetoma commonly ‎involves the extremities, back and gluteal region.‎

Given its slow progression, painless nature, massive lack of health education and scarcity of medical and health facilities in endemic areas, many patients present late with advanced infection where amputation may be the only available treatment. Secondary bacterial infection is common, and lesions may cause increased pain and disability and fatal septicaemia (severe infections involving the entire human system) if untreated. Infection is not transmitted from human to human.


Clinical picture

After infection, a small elevated lesion develops. This is followed by a slow proliferation of tissue that produces crusted, verrucous or ulcerated lesions. If the infection is not treated, the lesions continue to grow and eventually resemble a tumour or a cauliflower. Chromoblastomycosis is a chronic infection of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues. Lesions are clinically polymorphic, the most frequent are nodular, verrucous and tumoral. Many different species of fungi are associated with this infection but the three most common species are:  Fonsecaea pedrosoi, Cladophialophora carrionii and Phialophora verrucosa.

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