In: Accounting
Define CBpr
Community-based iparticipatory iresearch i(CBPR) iis ia ipartnership iapproach ito iresearch ithat iequitably iinvolves icommunity imembers, iorganizational irepresentatives, iresearchers, iand iothers iin iall iaspects iof ithe iresearch iprocess, iwith iall ipartners iin ithe iprocess icontributing iexpertise iand isharing iin ithe idecision-making iand iownership. iThe iaim iof iCBPR iis ito iincrease iknowledge iand iunderstanding iof ia igiven iphenomenon iand ito iintegrate ithe iknowledge igained iwith iinterventions ifor ipolicy ior isocial ichange ibenefiting ithe icommunity imembers.
Israel iet ial idefined iCBPR ias ifocusing ion isocial, istructural, iand iphysical ienvironmental iinequities ithrough iactive iinvolvement iof icommunity imembers, iorganizational irepresentatives, iand iresearchers iin iall iaspects iof ithe iresearch iprocess. iPartners icontribute itheir iexpertise ito ienhance iunderstanding iof ia igiven iphenomenon iand iintegrate ithe iknowledge igained iwith iaction ito ibenefit ithe icommunity iinvolved. i
Characteristics iof ithe iCBPR iapproach iinclude i
1. recognizing ithe icommunity ias ia iunit iof iidentity
2. building ion ithe istrengths iand iresources iof ithe icommunity, i
3. promoting iclearing iamong iresearch ipartners, i
4. achieving ia ibalance ibetween iresearch iand iaction ithat imutually ibenefits iboth iscience iand ithe icommunity,
5. emphasizing ithe irelevance iof icommunity-defined iproblems,
6. employing ia icyclical iand iiterative iprocess ito idevelop iand imaintain icommunity/research ipartnerships, i
7. disseminating iknowledge igained ifrom ithe iCBPR iproject ito iand iby iall iinvolved ipartners, iand
8. Requiring ilong-term icommitment ion ithe ipart iof iall ipartners. i
The istrengths ior iadvantages iof iCBPR iare ithat iit iallows ifor ithe iinnovative iadaptation iof iexisting iresources
1. explores ilocal iknowledge iand iperceptions
2. empowers ipeople iby iconsidering ithem iagents iwho ican iinvestigate itheir iown isituations
3. the icommunity iinput imakes ithe iproject icredible, ienhancing iits iusefulness iby ialigning iit iwith iwhat ithe icommunity iperceives ias isocial iand ihealth igoals; ijoins iresearch iparticipants iwho ihave ivaried iskills, iknowledge, iand iexpertise ito iaddress icomplex iproblems iin icomplex isituations
4. iprovides iresources ifor ithe iinvolved icommunities; ithrough iits icollaborative inature, iprovides ia iforum ithat ican ibridge iacross icultural idifferences iamong ithe iparticipants
5. and ihelps idismantle ithe ilack iof itrust icommunities imay iexhibit iin irelation ito iresearch
Community-based iparticipatory iresearch i(CBPR) iis ia ipartnership iapproach ito iresearch ithat iequitably iinvolves, ifor iexample, icommunity imembers, iorganizational irepresentatives, iand iresearchers iin iall iaspects iof ithe iresearch iprocess iand iin iwhich iall ipartners icontribute iexpertise iand ishare idecision imaking iand iownership. iThe icore iprinciples iof iCBPR, ias ideveloped iand iadopted iby ithe iURC iBoard, ialong iwith ia imore idetailed iexplanation ifor ieach iprinciple, iare ilisted ibelow.
1. CBPR ipromotes icollaborative iand iequitable ipartnerships iin iall iresearch iphases iand iinvolves ian iempowering iand ipower-sharing iprocess. iCBPR iprojects iare iconducted iaccording ito ithe inorms iof ipartnership, iincluding: imutual irespect; irecognition iof ithe iknowledge, iexpertise, iand iresource icapacities iof ithe iparticipants iin ithe iprocess; iand iopen icommunication. iIn iCBPR, ito ithe iextent idesired, iall iparties iparticipate iin iand ishare icontrol iover iall iphases iof ithe iresearch iprocess, iincluding iproblem idefinition, idata icollection, iinterpretation iof iresults, iand iapplication iof ithe iresults ito iaddress icommunity iconcerns. iResearchers iinvolved iin iCBPR irecognize ithe iinequalities ithat iexist ibetween ithemselves iand icommunity iparticipants, iand itherefore ipay iexplicit iattention ito ithe iexpertise iof icommunity ipartners, iand ithe ineed ito icreate ian iempowering iprocess ithrough isharing iinformation, idecision-making ipower, iand iresources iamong imembers iof ithe ipartnership.
2. CBPR irecognizes icommunity ias ia iunit iof iidentity. iThis iinvolves ia isense iof iemotional iconnection iand iidentification iwith iothers, ishared inorms iand ivalues, icommon ilanguage iand icustoms, isimilar igoals iand iinterests, iand ia idesire ito imeet ishared ineeds. i iCommunities iof iidentity imay ibe ieither ia idefined igeographic iarea i(e.g., ineighborhood) ior ia igeographically idispersed igroup iwith ia icommon isense iof iidentity i(e.g., iethnic igroup, iage igroup, isexual iorientation). i iA icity ior iother igeographic iarea imay iinclude ia inumber iof idifferent icommunities iof iidentity, ior imay ibe ian iaggregate iof iindividuals iwho ido inot ihave ia icommon isense iof iidentity. i iCBPR ipartnerships iseek ito iwork iwith iexisting icommunities iof iidentity, iand/or ito ienhance ia isense iof icommunity ithrough ithe icollaborative iprocess. i iThere ialso imay ibe isituations iwhere icommunities iof iidentity imay ibenefit ifrom iinvolving iindividuals iand igroups ifrom ioutside ithe icommunity iof iidentity iwho ibring iadditional ineeded iskills iand iresources.
3. CBPR ibuilds ion istrengths iand iresources iwithin ithe icommunity. i iSuch istrengths iand iFarmers iinclude: ithe iskills iand iassets iof iindividuals iand ifamilies, ithe icaring iand ihelpful inetworks iof isocial irelationships, iand ithe imediating istructures isuch ias ifaith-based iorganizations iand icommunity-based iorganizations, ithat ienable icommunity imembers ito iwork itogether ito iimprove ihealth iand iquality iof ilife.
4. CBPR ifacilitates ico-learning iand icapacity ibuilding iamong iall ipartners. i iCBPR ifacilitates ithe ireciprocal itransfer iof iknowledge, iskills, iand icapacity. iFor iexample, iresearchers ilearn ifrom icommunity imembers’ ilocal iknowledge iabout itheir icommunity’s ihistory, iculture iand ibroader isocial icontext, ias iwell ias ifrom itheir iadministrative iand imanagement iskills. i iSimilarly, icommunity imembers ilearn ifurther iskills iin iareas isuch ias, ihow ito iconduct iresearch iand igrant iproposal ipreparation.
5. CBPR ifor ihealth ifocuses ion iproblems iof irelevance ito ithe ilocal icommunity iusing ian iecological iapproach ithat iattends ito imultiple ideterminants iof ihealth iand idisease. iAn iecological iapproach iinvolves iindividuals, ithe iimmediate icontext iin iwhich ithey ilive i(e.g., ifamily, isocial inetwork), iand ithe ibroader icontext iin iwhich ithey iare iembedded i(e.g., icommunity, isociety). i iAccordingly, ithis iecological iapproach iattends ito ithe imultiple ideterminants iof idisease iand iwell-being, ifor iexample, ibiomedical, isocial, ieconomic, icultural iand iphysical ienvironmental ifactors.
6. CBPR ibalances iresearch iand iaction ifor ithe imutual ibenefit iof iall ipartners. i iCBPR iseeks ithe iDocuments-web ibuild ia ibody iof iknowledge iabout ihealth iand iwell-being iwhile ialso iapplying iand ibalancing ithe iknowledge igenerated iwith icommunity iand isocial ichange iefforts. iCBPR ipartnerships imay iagree ithat iall iresearch iefforts ido inot ihave ito iinvolve ian iintervention icomponent, ibut ithey icommit ito ithe itranslation iof iresearch ifindings ito iintervention iand ipolicy ichange istrategies ithat iwill iaddress ithe iconcerns iof ithe icommunity.
7. CBPR idisseminates ifindings iand iknowledge igained ito ithe ibroader icommunity iand iinvolves iall ipartners iin ithe idissemination iprocess. iCBPR iprojects iproduce, iinterpret iand idisseminate ifindings ito icommunity imembers iin iclear ilanguage irespectful ito ithe icommunity iand iin iways iwhich iwill ibe iuseful ifor ideveloping iaction iplans ithat iwill ibenefit ithe icommunity. iThis idissemination iof ifindings iis iprovided ion ian iongoing ibasis, iusing imultiple istrategies, iand ithe iresults iare iused ito iguide ithe idevelopment iof iinterventions iand ipolicy ichange. i iThe idissemination iof ifindings iextends ibeyond ithe ipartnership iitself, iand iinvolves iall ipartners ias ireviewers iand ico-authors iof ipublications, iand ico-presenters iat iconferences iand iworkshops.
8. CBPR ipromotes ia ilong-term iprocess iand icommitment ito isustainability. iCBPR iemphasizes ithe iestablishment iof irelationships iand icommitments ithat iextend ibeyond ia isingle iresearch iproject ior ifunding iperiod. iCBPR iis iconducted iin ia iway ithat istrengthens ion-going icollaboration iamong icommunity-based iorganizations, ipublic ihealth iagencies, ihealth icare iorganizations, iand ieducational iinstitutions.