Prove that (((p v ~q) ⊕ p) v ~p) ⊕ (p v ~q) ⊕ (p ⊕ q) is
equivalent to p ^ q. Please show your work and name all the logical
equivalence laws for each step. ( v = or, ~ = not, ⊕ = XOR)
Thank you
Using logical equivalence laws, show that (((p v ~ q) ⊕ p) v ~p)
⊕ (p v ~q) is equivalent to p v q. v = or, ~ = not, ⊕ = exclusive
or (XOR). Please show the steps with the name of the law beside
each step, thanks so much!
Consider the linear transformation T : P2 ? P2 given by T(p(x))
= p(0) + p(1) + p 0 (x) + 3x 2p 00(x). Let B be the basis {1, x,
x2} for P2.
(a) Find the matrix A for T with respect to the basis B.
(b) Find the eigenvalues of A, and a basis for R 3 consisting of
eigenvectors of A.
(c) Find a basis for P2 consisting of eigenvectors for T.
Consider the homogeneous second order equation
y′′+p(x)y′+q(x)y=0. Using the Wronskian, find functions p(x) and
q(x) such that the differential equation has solutions sinx and
1+cosx. Finally, find a homogeneous third order differential
equation with constant coefficients where sinx and 1+cosx are
Bound state in potential. Where
V(x)=inf for x<0
V(x)=0 for 0 ≤ x ≤ L
V (x) = U for x > L
Write down the Schrödingerequation and solutions (wavesolutions)
on general form for the three V(x).
Suppose V is a finite dimensional inner product space. Prove that
every orthogonal operator on V , i.e., <T(u),T(v)> =
<u,v>, ∀u,v ∈ V , is an isomorphism.
Consider the “step” potential:
V(x) = 0 if x ≤ 0
= V0 if x ≥ 0
(a) Calculate the reflection coefficient for the case E <
V0 , and (b) for the case E > V0.
We have potential of
V (x) = ( 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ a.
∞, elsewhere.
a) Find the ground state energy and the first and second excited
states, if an electron is enclosed in this potential of size a =
0.100 nm.
b) Find the ground state energy and the first and second excited
states, if a 1 g metal sphere is enclosed in this potential of size
a = 10.0 cm.
c) Are the quantum effects important for...