
In: Biology

we have been through our reading that sexism ablesim heterosexism with science, trchnology and the digital...

we have been through our reading that sexism ablesim heterosexism with science, trchnology and the digital world fescribe how each of the ism listed above has been impacted by the science and technology conversation and intervation relatrd to covid 19


Expert Solution

During this pandemic Covid 19 era, the equity considerations and rights should be made practical.

Data show that white, middle-class-and-wealthier, college-educated workers are most likely to be able to work at home while economically marginalized people of color without a college degree are least likely. As a result, the children of the latter are more likely to have home responsibilities during the day, such as taking care of younger siblings or family elders. As well as women group have to suffer

We appreciate so many curriculum companies, museums, and other organizations making virtual materials available for free as well as the networks of teachers sharing materials with one another. Still, it’s critical that these materials are vetted with an equity, antibias lens.

For two decades research has shown that the bias, bullying, and inequities that students of color, students experiencing poverty, LGBTQ+ students, transgender students, young women, and others experience in person are replicated with great precision online. In some ways the move to online learning could open more avenues for bullying, harassment, oppression, and bias. We must be attentive to, and prepared to address, this.

Help more equitably distribute distance learning tools and materials as well as quality Internet access. Move toward a 1:1 model for student technology devices. Provide devices to students who do not have them.
Many Internet service providers are now offering free service to students. Identity which providers are offering free access in your area and help families connect with them. An additional option is to provide students with Internet hotspots to use at home.

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