
In: Computer Science

Python Programming: Using re library, and a given string recipe1 return the indications after each ingredient...

Python Programming:

Using re library, and a given string recipe1 return the indications after each ingredient '@': for example if recipe1 = "@turkey baked @350degrees" print an output like: [@turkey, @350degrees]


Expert Solution


import re
recipe1 = input()


Line 1: import re

It imports the re module into your python module. re module contains the functions that supports regular expressions.

Line 2: recipe1 = input()

It takes the user input and stores it in the variable called recipe1

Line 3: print(re.findall(r'@[A-Za-z0-9]+',recipe1))

It prints the result.

re.findall(regex,string,flags) is a function which accepts maximum of 3 arguments. It returns all the substrings in a string which matches the provided regular expression.
regex: regular expression

string: the string on which the operations will be performed

flags: the flags (default: 0)

Here, "r" means raw string.

Explaination of regular expression:


This regular expression will first search for a "@" symbol in the string, after that it checks for digits or character with the symbol.

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