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Using python: Given a string x, write a program to check if its first character is...

Using python:

Given a string x, write a program to check if its first character is the same as its last character. If yes, the code should output "True"


Expert Solution

Source code of the program and its working are given below.Please go through the comments for better understanding the code.In python indentation is very important, so type code carefully.Screen shot of the code and output are also attached.If find any difficulty,feel free to ask in comment section.Please do upvote this answer.Thank you.

Working of the program

  • Program prompt user to enter a string using input() function
  • The entered string is stored in string variable st
  • First character of string st is st[0]
  • To get last character,first need to find length of the string
  • len(st) gives length of the string which will be one greater than the index of the last character
  • Index of the last character is len(st)-1
  • if statement compare first character (st[0]) and last character (st[len(st)-1])
  • if both are true "True" will be printed

Source code

#prompt user to enter a string and read
#this string into variable st
st=input("Enter the string: ")
# checking first and last character are same
if st[0] == st[len(st)-1]:
#if yes print True

Screen shot of the code

Screen shot of the output

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