In: Nursing
what is a physical assessment
In nursing the nurse follows a process to provide client centered care and quality care .physical assessment is part of the first step of nursing process . It involves a structured examination of the patients body
It includes basically four steps
the nurse observes the patient for any visible anatomical changes such as swelling, wounds,cuts, scars etc that corresponds to the history of illness or reason for admission ,Temperature ,respiration pattern
The nurse palpates the skin to feel for tenderness ,warmth ,enlargement of liver etc.The nail beds of the middle three fingers are used
Percussion is done by tapping against the surface to determine the underlying structures basically done over thorax and abdomen.
ausculation is done using a sthethoscope to identify heart sounds, breathing patterns
Physical examination or assessment can be catogarised as the following
Admission assessment : general whole body assessment on admission to hospital
Specific assessment : Of the affected system eg patient came with lower abdomen pain..checking for abdominal tenderness mc burny point abdominal girth etc
Shift assessment : essential for bed ridden or critically ill clients for skin status,changes in vital signs
Physical assessment system wise
Baseline data ,present and past history
Temperature,pulse,respiration,pain scale reading
Scalp: wounds,dandruff,lice
Nose:deviated nasal septum,polyps
Ears:rinnes and webers test,ear lobes,wax deposition
Mouth:colour of lips,tongue ,teeth decay,missing teeth,halitosis,gums,gingivities or any other depostions or swelling or fungal growth,ulcers
Neck:distended veins,range of motion,thyroid enlargment
Skin or integumentary:texture ,wounds scars,skin turgor signs of bedsore
Cardiovascular: heart beat ,blood pressure ,cold extremities ,pulses on distal parts, signs of cynosis
GI: abdominal girth ,distention,stool pattern,percussion,abdominal sounds
Respiratory: respiratory rate,variation in sounds such as wheezing,use of accessory muscless
Musculosketal: muscle strength,fractures,gait ,rombergs test
Neurological: GCS, cranial nerve functioning , history of seizures head injury
Genito urinary: hypospadiasis,epispadiasis,swelling,infections ,STD
Gynaecology: menstrual cycle,dysmennorhea,no of pregnancies
Above are few examples of covering a whole body assessment it is not complete
Physical examination or assessment will only be complete with laboratory asessments such as electrolyrte values,ecg,scan,xray echo etc