
In: Nursing

Mr. Lee is a 27 y/o patient who has been found loitering on the streets, he...

Mr. Lee is a 27 y/o patient who has been found loitering on the streets, he seems to
not have had a bath or anything to eat in days. His feet are covered in sores and he
has also been reported as violent and has tried to wrestle with the police. How would
you, as his nurse, use both the art and science of nursing to care for him?
Please explain what type of admission would be suitable for him and give the reasons
why from this scenario. During his care, he has threatened to kill his neighbor when
he gets home because he believes that he stole his money. What action does the
nurse need to take at this time? Mr. Lee is then discharged after 3 days, with a
diagnosis of schizophrenia. How was that diagnosis determined? What type of setting
would be appropriate for his care after discharge? Please cite your sources.


Expert Solution

The nurse should try to convince him and make him calm, if it is failes she should use mechanical and chemical restrains for control the situation.The patient is in violent so Acute hospitalization is required for him, Acute hospitalization done for the paitient if the patient is extreamly unwell and needs urgent medical help , it is also known as emergency admission to a accute phychiatric unit,the aim of this admission is to control symptoms and esure safety of the patient and other persons.for diagnosis of schizpphrenia the person must have two or more of the following symptoms occuring persistantly in the context of reducing functiong. that are, hallucination,delusion,disorganized or catatonic behaviour,disorganized speech,and negative symptoms.after the discharge patient should take antipsychotic medications for control symptoms life long, so the support groups will help the patient and family for manage the condion, the organizations like The natioonal Alliance of mental illness has a help line ,and referal services and programs for individual and families,The treatment advocacy centre has information about treatment options.

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