In: Anatomy and Physiology
What does it mean when we say microbes are ubiquitous?
Why do we incubate plates upside down?
How do we practice aseptic technique in the work area?
In work areas like laboratories, apron should be worn , shoes , goggles , mask must be worn to protect ourselves . Disinfectants like phenol and dettol must be used to clean the work area , after working in laboratories proper hand washing must be done with 70% alcohol . Petri dishes , culture plates , test tubes , bacterial loop must be properly autoclaved , waste must be disposed properly in its respective dustbin. Proper fumigation must be performed prior and after use of the labs . Not only in labs but also in other health care services like out patient department, operation theatres , proper disinfectants for cleaning must be used . In ot antiseptics must be used to clean the instrument before conducting any surgery .