
In: Accounting

pleas choose any international company like apple or amazon or any famous company and collect information...

pleas choose any international company like apple or amazon or any famous company and collect information on the AIS system(Accounting Information System) followed by the company.

1. Explain the AIS system followed by the company

2. The process of its database

3.Final information(Financial Statements)

4.Threats and controlling measures of the system

its ok if you want make it short


Expert Solution

1)Apple's accounting information system

Apple Inc. (commonly known as Apple) is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. Its best-known hardware products are the Mac personal computers, the iPod portable media player, the iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet computer, and the Apple Watch smartwatch.

An accounting information system (AIS) is a system of collecting, storing and processing financial and accounting data that is used by decision makers.

Accounting Information System

  • To improve the effective and efficiency of the company's profit
  • Reduce redundacy risk.
  • Help in developing a more efficient environment.
  • Solves barrier of languages and currency rates.
  • Help in gaining more knowledge.

SAP is one of the most well known software used by large companies. SAP is at the center of today’s technology revolution. The market leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps organizations fight the damaging effects of complexity, generate new opportunities for innovation and growth, and stay ahead of the competition.

SAP Software


  • Strengthen the company's internal control.
  • Decision making and determining their goals.
  • Competitive Advantage
  • 2)

    Hummm… In my application I have requirement to deal with database. Which database I should follow? As there are various options available which are as follow:

  • SQLite
  • NSUserDefualts
  • NSCoder
  • CoreData
  • Realm
  • Lets, check each and every option with their pros and cons. So I can decide which option suits for my requirement.


  • SQLite
  • NSUserDefaults
  • NSCoder
  • CoreData
  • Realm



    Written by : Ravi Bokade

    | Categories

    Hummm… In my application I have requirement to deal with database. Which database I should follow? As there are various options available which are as follow:

  • SQLite
  • NSUserDefualts
  • NSCoder
  • CoreData
  • Realm
  • Lets, check each and every option with their pros and cons. So I can decide which option suits for my requirement.


  • SQLite
  • NSUserDefaults
  • NSCoder
  • CoreData
  • Realm
  • SQLite


  • You can deal with large number of data.
  • Migration is possible.
  • Simple query just needs to run to fetch data. These queries you have learned in your college time.
  • You can share database file.
  • Cross platform support is possible
  • Browse data is possible
  • Database size is small as compare to Coredata
  • Cons

  • Slow data fetching process.
  • It’s very complex to add in your project as compare to sqlite.
  • Cannot handle multi threaded situation. If you access two operation on same database table, your database will face deadlock situation.
  • Migration process is very long and complex too. As compare to core data, you have to perform so many steps for migration process.
  • You must have to provide relationships manually.
  • Comments

    Actually, this is a good option but it’s too old. And it is not providing any good feature to handle search and fetch operations like core data and realm is providing. So as per my opinion, if you want to learn how SQLite is working, then you can use this.



  • Provided by apple.
  • By the way this is not a database, but you can use it as database option to save limited number of data for eg. login token, boolean values, etc.
  • It uses key and value system
  • Very simple to use.
  • You can use this to save small amount of data.
  • For eg. boolean values.


  • You cannot use this to store large number data
  • It does not have any type of support to search data by using any query
  • Comments

    Actually this is not a database where you can store large amount of data. So don’t use this if your application scope is big. Because after sometime, you will get stuck as you will find that NSUserDefaults not providing any thing.

    NSCoding Protocol


  • Provided by apple.
  • You can save any view controller with its object without losing any value.
  • You just need to use below two methods to store and fetch data
  • -(void)encodeWithCoder:(NSCoder*)encoder



  • Its process is slow
  • Again no query method is provided so you have to fetch data manually
  • Store data size is big as compare to NSUserDefault and CoreData
  • Comments

    In last moment, if you have requirement to providing offline support to your application and you don’t have time to go with other option. Then you can use this option. You can store view controller’s data by using NSCoder and then fetch it again to display it. But again for long time support, this option is not preferable.



  • Native framework provided by apple.
  • Very fast processing to fetch data.
  • You can manage large amount of database.
  • Migration process is also simple.
  • Very easy to add in your current source code.
  • Apple provides good feature to handle relationship between two tables. Even SQLite is not have this type of feature.
  • Graph representation is possible.
  • Day by day, apple improving this to make it better. So for long time purpose this is the best option for your application.
  • Multithread is possible but by using different ’NSManagedObjectContext’
  • Cons

  • Browsing data is much difficult.
  • Database file is not compatible with any other platform like android. So if you are making same application in iOS and android. Then you must have to manage two different database for both platform.
  • Database is not shareable
  • Consuming more memory as compare to SQLite
  • Consuming more space as compared to SQLite
  • Comments

    Definitely you can use this option as your database option. Its fully loaded with necessary features like search, filter etc.



  • Very popular in nowadays, this is the first thought in developer’s mind.
  • Easy to Use in your application.
  • By using query you can filter or search any data from database table.
  • Fetching process is faster than core data.
  • Multithread is also possible by using two different objects.
  • Cross platform support is there. So you can use same database for iOS and android version.
  • Share database is possible.
  • You can browse your database too.
  • Migration process is also simple.
  • You can handle large database to.
  • Database size is less as compare to CoreData
  • Less code require to fetch data
  • Cons

  • It’s not an native framework.
  • More features are not available to handle relationship between two different table. If you are using core data from such a long time, then you can phase this situation only. But for SQLite users will not complain this.
  • Consuming more memory as compare to SQLite
  • Consuming more space as compared to SQLite
  • Comments

    This option is new but good as compare to core data. So you can use this without any issue in your application. Realm also provide good documentation, so you will not phase any kind of problem while implementing it in your application.


    From the above pros and cons for all various options, I am suggesting all developers

  • Only use NSUserDefaults to save only boolean type data. Only consider this for small size of application.
  • Please don’t use SQLite, instead of you can use Core data or realm. Both options are fully loaded with all type of database functionality.
  • Now regarding, NSCoder, only use this feature when it is necessary. Don’t make habit to use this. As this option is little bit slow and memory consuming.
  • Now last, Core Data or realm, see both are good option right now. If you are building application for iOS only then you can use core data. And if your application is for both platform, then you should have to choose realm, because you can use same database file in android or iOS. You don’t have to manage two different database here.
  • 3)

    APPLE INC   FYE=9 (September)

    Annual - Income Statement - Company Specific

    Fiscal period 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
    Period End Date 9/30/2018 9/30/2017 9/30/2016 9/30/2015 9/30/2014 9/30/2013 9/30/2012 9/30/2011 9/30/2010 9/30/2009
    Net Sales 265,595.00 229,234.00 215,639.00 233,715.00 182,795.00 170,910.00 156,508.00 108,249.00 65,225.00 42,905.00
    Total Revenues 265,595.00 229,234.00 215,639.00 233,715.00 182,795.00 170,910.00 156,508.00 108,249.00 65,225.00 42,905.00
    Cost of sales 163,756.00 141,048.00 131,376.00 140,089.00 112,258.00 106,606.00 87,846.00 64,431.00 39,541.00 25,683.00
    Gross Profit 101,839.00 88,186.00 84,263.00 93,626.00 70,537.00 64,304.00 68,662.00 43,818.00 25,684.00 17,222.00
    Research and development 14,236.00 11,581.00 10,045.00 8,067.00 6,041.00 4,475.00 3,381.00 2,429.00 1,782.00 1,333.00
    Purchased in-process research and development -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Selling, general, and administrative 16,705.00 15,261.00 14,194.00 14,329.00 11,993.00 10,830.00 10,040.00 7,599.00 5,517.00 4,149.00
    Restructuring Costs -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Special charges : Executive bonus -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Total Operating Expenses 30,941.00 26,842.00 24,239.00 22,396.00 18,034.00 15,305.00 13,421.00 10,028.00 7,299.00 5,482.00
    Operating Income (Loss) 70,898.00 61,344.00 60,024.00 71,230.00 52,503.00 48,999.00 55,241.00 33,790.00 18,385.00 11,740.00
    Gains on non-current investments, net -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Unrealized loss on convertible securities -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Interest and other income, net -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Other income and expense 2,005.00 2,745.00 1,348.00 1,285.00 980.00 1,156.00 522.00 415.00 155.00 326.00
    Income before provision for income taxes 72,903.00 64,089.00 61,372.00 72,515.00 53,483.00 50,155.00 55,763.00 34,205.00 18,540.00 12,066.00
    Federal:Current 41,425.00 7,842.00 7,652.00 11,730.00 8,624.00 9,334.00 7,240.00 3,884.00 2,150.00 1,922.00
    Federal:Deferred (33,819.00) 5,980.00 5,043.00 3,408.00 3,183.00 1,878.00 5,018.00 2,998.00 1,676.00 1,077.00
    State:Current 551.00 259.00 990.00 1,265.00 855.00 1,084.00 1,182.00 762.00 655.00 524.00
    State:Deferred 48.00 2.00 (138.00) (220.00) (178.00) (311.00) (123.00) 37.00 (115.00) (2.00)
    Foreign:Current 3,986.00 1,671.00 2,105.00 4,744.00 2,147.00 1,559.00 1,203.00 769.00 282.00 345.00
    Foreign:Deferred 1,181.00 (16.00) 33.00 (1,806.00) (658.00) (426.00) (490.00) (167.00) (121.00) (35.00)
    Provision for income taxes 13,372.00 15,738.00 15,685.00 19,121.00 13,973.00 13,118.00 14,030.00 8,283.00 4,527.00 3,831.00
    Income (loss) before accounting change -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Cumulative effect of accounting change, net -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Net Income (Loss) Available to Common Shareholders 59,531.00 48,351.00 45,687.00 53,394.00 39,510.00 37,037.00 41,733.00 25,922.00 14,013.00 8,235.00
    Earnings per common share before accounting changes: Basic -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Net Earnings Per Share (Basic) 12.01 9.27 8.35 9.28 6.49 5.72 6.38 4.01 2.20 1.32
    Earnings per common share before accounting changes: Diluted -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    Net Earnings Per Share (Diluted) 11.91 9.21 8.31 9.22 6.45 5.68 6.31 3.95 2.16 1.30
    Weighted Average Shares Outstanding (Basic) 4,955.38 5,217.24 5,470.82 5,753.42 6,085.57 6,477.32 6,543.73 6,469.81 6,366.23 6,251.11
    Weighted Average Shares Outstanding (Diluted) 5,000.11 5,251.69 5,500.28 5,793.07 6,122.66 6,521.63 6,617.48 6,556.52 6,472.98 6,349.04
  • 4)


  • Big ideas are easy to copy. Microsoft(Nasdaq: MSFT) copied the graphical user interface, and even Linux has a version. The touchscreen interface is being used in other phones (e.g. Android). Apps are being developed for other smart phones and devices.
  • High-priced products. Apple priced itself out of the personal computer market, and that remains a problem. Other smartphones that look and behave similarly to the iPhone are less expensive.
  • Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) is moving into Apple's smartphone space by giving away the operating system, and it has announced that it will also be moving into the TV space. Both companies are well-funded, so any battle between the two could be long and ugly.


  • Product development. Doesn't invent the market, but its products set high standards for the market.
  • Design and utility. Sleek, not clunky. For instance, the desktop computer is part of the screen, not a separate box with wires; the iPhone has very few buttons and feels nice in the hand. Products are easy to use, almost intuitive.
  • Marketing. Clever and takes advantages of people's frustrations with other hardware.
  • Brand name.
  • CEO Steve Jobs. Visionary and charismatic

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