
In: Biology

Describe 3 important pathogen that can cause congenital infections and explain the importance of laboratory test...

Describe 3 important pathogen that can cause congenital infections and explain the importance of laboratory test for diagnosis


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  • Rubella virus may spread from mother to fetus, if the mother contracts the disease during pregnancy.
  • This is referred to as congenital Rubella infection (CRI), which may lead to abortion, still birth, teratogenic condition, and other complications in the fetus.
  • Hemagglutination test is thus required to be conducted in pregnant women to prevent CRI conditions.


  • HIV is Human immune deficiency virus.
  • HIV causes AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
  • AIDS is a type of immunodeficiency disorder and is sexually transmitted. AIDS may be sexually transmitted from mother to child as congenital disease.

3. CMV:

  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) causes milder infections in healthy adult.
  • Mey cause problem in immunocompromised people.
  • The infection may be vertically transmitted from mother to child.

Importance of laboratory diagnosis:

  • Early confirmation about the pateint condition help to iniate early treatment of the disease.
  • This may also help in early start of the medications, detecting interactions and side effects of drugs, hypersensitivity analysis).
  • PRognosis pf the disease and confirmation regarding the cause of the disease, like pathogenic organism, may be determined by using specif laboratory tests.

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