
In: Nursing

Duncan coordinates the support of older people in community care. He is preparing feedback forms for...

Duncan coordinates the support of older people in community care. He is preparing feedback forms for service providers to complete when they provide service to people in their care. Service providers include day programs for older people, personal care support, delivered meals, home maintenance, respite services, transport, allied health and nursing. People that the organisation supports, need any combination of these services. The purpose of the feedback forms is to make sure the service being delivered meets the person’s needs. It is also to check that the individualised care plans are effective in their delivery.

1.What are two questions Duncan could include in his feedback form to obtain information about the effectiveness of the individualised plan? (Approx. 15 words

2.How could Duncan explain the mechanisms for providing feedback on the individualised plan to other service providers? What are two explanations that he must provide? (Approx. 20 words

3. What is a service agreement and how could Duncan use it to explain the mechanisms of providing feedback to all providers? (Approx. 80 words)

4. Why should Duncan seek feedback about the effectiveness of the individualised plan from one of the older people he supports or their advocate? (Approx. 50 words).

5. Explain two ways that Duncan can seek feedback about the effectiveness of the individualised plan from one of the older people he supports. (Approx. 40 words).

6) One of the people Duncan supports is having trouble reading. They still drive, and Duncan is worried that their eyesight may affect their driving ability. How could Duncan report to the supervising health professional about this issue? (Approx. 40 words).


Expert Solution

1. a) Mobility and physical functioning (Good, not good, worst) b) How has he been compared to previous visit? (Active, little dull, inactive) c) How is his perspective regarding his health? (positive, neutral, negative) d) Is the food being supplied meeting his appetite? (Yes, No, Needs improvement)

These are few examples of how you can frame questions for individualised care.

2. Feedback forms provide indepth interaction which helps elderly feel reassured. Interaction increases patient compliance and improve his physical/ mental health condition.

3. A service agreement is a mutual approval or making a contract with a person in order to make sure that one accustoms to the discussions made or agreements done. Duncan has one such service agreement with the elderly to provide proper care. He should explain his motto of providing utmost care and improving the prognosis of the health conditions of the elderly. By making his motto's clear he can make the service providers understand the importance of the feedback forms and how they could help in improving the service being provided to the elderly.

4. Seeking a feedback regarding the individualised care plan from an advocate helps in determining the accuracy of the form. It helps in removing or adding questions that might improve the quality of the feedback form. It can also help in assessing the difficulty to understand questions or time taken to answer them.

5. Duncan can explain the importance of the feedback form and how his answers could help him improve the accuracy of the form. He can also explain him his zeal in providing quality care and how his feedback could imrpove his knowledge in addressing the uncertainities in service.

6. Duncan could explain the health care professional with the help of the feedback form of that particular elderly person reporting his diffculties faced while driving, severity of eye problems and state his worries regarding him driving that he might run into an accident or cause harm to himself.

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