What is the number of angular nodes in the wave function for a
hypothetical h orbital?...
What is the number of angular nodes in the wave function for a
hypothetical h orbital? What would be the lowest valid
combination of principal quantum number and angular momentum
quantum number that would be valid for an h orbital?
Is the 2px orbital an eigenfunction of operator Lz? if it is,
what is the angular quantum number m for a 2px orbital? if it isn't
what is the average value of operator Lz for the 2px orbital?
Write down a general expression relating the number of
nodes in a standing wave to value of n.
Write down a general expression relating the number of
antinodes in a standing wave to the value of n.
Imagine that you have a string of fixed length that has
a standing wave on it that has two segments, n=2. If you were
unable to change the frequency of your generator, how could you
change to a standing wave with n=4?
If an electron in an atom has an orbital angular momentum with
ml = 4, what are the components (a) Lorb,z and (b) μorb,z? If the
atom is in an external magnetic field that has magnitude 44 mT and
is directed along the z axis, what are (c) the potential energy
Uorb associated with the electron's orbital magnetic dipole moment
and (d) the magnitude of the potential energy Uspin associated with
the electron's spin magnetic dipole moment? If, instead, the...
An electron has spin angular momentum and orbital angular
momentum. For the 4 d electron in scandium, what
percent of its total orbital angular momentum is its spin angular
momentum in the z direction?
An electron has spin angular momentum and orbital angular
For the 3.00 d electron in scandium, what percent of
its total orbital angular momentum is its spin angular momentum in
the z direction?
Use the Schrodinger equation solution of the H atom
corresponding to its wave function for the 3dxy orbital to
explain why this orbital has no radial node.
Questions to consider:
(j) What is the value of the wave function and thus the radial part
of the function at a node?
(ii) What factor of the radial part of the wave function,
containing r, can equal your value in (i) and thus allow
you to obtain a value for r?
Assume the health production function is h = 365 − 1/H, where h
is the number of healthy days a person has in each year and H is
the person’s health capital. Assume this person earns a wage of
$100/day, and the marginal cost of health investment π = 25 and is
constant over time. The annual interest rate is 5 percent, and
health capital depreciates at a rate of 35 percent per annum.
Find the optimal level of health...