
In: Economics

World war I was promoted as a "War for democracy". to the Americans. Describe three examples...

World war I was promoted as a "War for democracy". to the Americans. Describe three examples of anti-democratic actions by the U.S. during and after the war. How did American resist and try to increase democracy or equality in response. Why do you think the government promoted a "war for democracy" while limiting the rights of its own citizens?


Expert Solution

"War for democracy" to the Americans :

The Second World War was a war for democracy . It was happened on 1939-1945 . At the Second World War, Trotsky started from the need to keep-going independent working class organisation . He put forward building a bridge to those workers who wanted to see fascism conquered but were uneasy with their own ruler's war aims . But , all of this meant little as the Trotskyists were too much weak to carry them through . There were other problems too but they were largely a reflection of their fragility. Yet it was these shorty , often victimized , bands of revolutionaries who maintained from day one of the war until its close that the Second World War was a hostility war and that fascism could only be defeated by the means of working class struggle. That's why the second World War is a war for democracy.

Examples of anti-democratic actions by the U.S. during and after the war :

In recent years(1939-1945), However, critics have insist that the spreading of democracy may be ill-considered or even harmful . These arguments encompass criticisms of the democratic peace of the hypothesis , the proposition that the process of democratization to all intents and purposes for increases the risk of the war.

I. Defining the Democracy and Liberalism .

II. Democracy lead the ways to Liberty and Liberty is Good .

III. Liberal Democracies are not so much as Likely to Use Violence Against their Own citizens.

This three factors that prevent deprivations in democracies electoral stimulant and the free flow of figures are likely to be present even in the democracies that do not have a ample political culture . These factors exist when leaders face periodic elections and when the press is free to report information that might cuddle the Government . A growned up liberal democracy with assurances of civil liberties , a proportionately free economic market , and an independent judiciary might be even less likely to suffer famines , but it appears that the elements of electoral democracy will suffice to prevent famines.

The opponents of the federal government regard it as so tyrannical as to be illegitimate . Thus that , it is pertinent , in this view , to use what-ever means are available to limit its outstretch and efficacious .

• Members of white misanthrope groups believe that all non whites and especially African Americans should not exertion citizenship rights . Which is overawe and eventually to exclude these groups is a legitimate aim to be achieved by any feasible means.

• Some members of small leftist groups believe that violence against the police and the military forces is legitimate as part of a revolutionary project. It has been several decades since such efforts were launched in the name of socialism or black liberation , but same squabble are made on the fringes of several more recent movements on the left.

American resist and to increase democracy or equality in response :

The recent critiques of U.S. efforts to aid democracy have not presented a convincing case that spreading democracy is a bad idea . The international spread of democracy will offer many benefits to new democracies and to the United States (US) . The evidence of democratization increases the risk of war is mixed , at the best , and the policies can be crafted to minimize any risks of conflict in these cases. The problem of "illiberal democracy" has been overemphasized ; the democratic elections usually do more good than the harm . And the "soft authoritarian" provocation to liberal democracy was not persuasive , even before the Asian economic turmoil of 1997 and 1998 undermined claims for the superiority of "Asian values."

Government promoted a "war for democracy" while limiting the rights of it's own citizencitizens :

Above all the consequences of these two blunders , Germany has been top off to witness the cracker-jack of that which of all things she had most to fear , the fixing of the lasting fellowship between the English speaking Republic and the English speaking Empire . Our soldiers are now the side by side with those of the Empire on the borderline of the Freedom ; the blood of all is shed and commingled for the great cause embodied in the Anglo-Saxon tradition of democracy ; and our peoples , through the realization of the common ideas and the common ends , are learning the highest ranking lesson of cooperation between nations with a common past , are being cemented into a union which is the symbol and forerunner of the democratic league of Nations to come . Our philosophy and our religion are changing in a well manner ; hence it is more and more critical to use the old terms to summarized the moral conduct . We say for the instance , that America’s action in entering the war has been “unselfish” . But this

merely means that we have our own persuasions concerning the ultimate comfort of the world , the demeanour of self-realization of individuals and the nations . We are attempting to turn calamity into good or well . If this terrible shall quarrel result in the inauguration of an emulative society , if it shall bring us to the recognition that intelligence and science may be used for the upbuilding of such an sequence , and for an eventual achievement of world peace , every renouncing shall have been justified.

Such is the American Issues . Our states-men and thinkers have helped to evolve it , our people with their blood and treasure are consecrating it . And these statesmen and thinkers, of whom our American President is not the least, are of democracy the pioneers. From the mountain tops on which they stand they behold the features of the new world , the dawn of the new day securely as yet from their brothers in the valley .

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