
In: Economics

Consider a two-person (1 and 2) two good (X and Y) exchange economy. The marginal rate...

Consider a two-person (1 and 2) two good (X and Y) exchange economy. The marginal rate of substitution (of good X in terms of good Y) utility function of person i

Person 1: MRS1 = 2y1 /x1  

Person 2: MRS2 = y2 /(5x2)

where xi and yi denote respectively person i's the consumption amount of good X and good Y, i=1, 2.              

Their endowments are given in the following table

                    Endowment of X    Endowment of Y   

Person 1          10                          26                     

Person 2            28                          26                      

What is the equilibrium relative price of good X assuming "perfect competition"?


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