- HPV stands for human
papillomavirus. It’s the foremost common sexually transmitted
- HPV is sometimes harmless
and goes away by itself, however some sorts will cause cancer or
sex organ warts.
- HPV has long haunted
humankind; most sexually active adults carry a number of HPV’s a
hundred and seventy strains.
- HPV vaccine provides
protection against some strains of the Human Papillomavirus (HPV),
as well as ones that cause cervical cancer and mouth
- HPV vaccinum programmes
round the world are presently being evaluated.
- proof from these shows
falling numbers of teenagers with pre-cancerous cells (the cells
which will proceed to cause cervical cancer) and protection from
the HPV vaccine is anticipated to be long-run.
- Gardasil is a HPV vaccine
currently being used in USA and more recently, the Govt in UK have
recently announced that they are replacing "CERVARIX" with
they are switching to GARDASIL?
- Gardasil targets 4 strains
of HPV of type 6,11,16,18 whereas Cervarix targets only 2
- The result of extra
protection and comparing the costs and benefits of both the
vaccines, UK authorities decided to switch to
- For the years , Gardasil
has been tested extensively for the safety concern and
effectiveness. And it is found to be pretty effective so far on
- The complication rate is
very low and minor problems are found like irritation at the point
of intervention and fainting after.
- Though, Gardasil is found
to be pretty effective HPV vaccine so far, it draws criticism
- Some girls(140Nos) in
Ireland in 2015 suffered severe non-specific reaction to the
- Although, these HPVs goes
away on its own, certain strains may develop into something
- The HPV vaccines protects
children as young as 11 years and adults upto 26 years, which is
the biggest pro while some side effects are biggest
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