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plz solve an xyz organizationis having stagnant performance due to high turnover among its employee. being...

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an xyz organizationis having stagnant performance due to high turnover among its employee. being resecher develop problem statement and determine factors keeping in veiw your problem statement develop research question and objective


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Question No 1

Research Question

  1. What are the types of employee turnover ?
  2. What are the reasons for employee turnover ?
  3. What are the tips to reduce employee turnover ?


  1. To find out the reasons for employee turnover
  2. To analyze the tips to reduce employee turnover

Employee turnover

Employee turnover is expensive for an organisation. While some turnover can be expected, poor management can cause the normal turnover to climb to an excessive level. The impact, however, is not only financial; it also adversely affects employee morale. Although hard to quantify, poor morale results in a domino effect that negatively impacts efficiency and effectiveness. It’s important for organizations to reduce turnover rates. However, in order to reduce these rates, organizations must first understand the main reasons employees leave for other positions. Good people don’t leave good organizations—they leave poor managers.

Types of Employee Turnover

Essentially, here are two types of turnover. Voluntary and involuntary turnover. Voluntary turnover occurs when an employee makes the decision to leave for any personal reason. However, involuntary turnover occurs when the employer lets go of employees for being a poor performer. Voluntary turnover involves some of the high performing employees leaving. Thus companies are more inclined to concentrate on improving the voluntary turnover rates as compared to involuntary turnover.

Good employees quit for many reasons. The following is a list of what might be the reasons for employee turnover.

1. Rude behavior

Everyday indignities have an adverse effect on productivity and result in good employees quitting. Rudeness, assigning blame, back-biting, playing favorites and retaliations are among reasons that aggravate employee turnover. Feeling resentful and mistreated is not an enticement for a good work environment.

2. Work-life imbalance

Increasing with economic pressures, organizations continue to demand that one person do the work of two or more people. This is especially true when an organization downsizes or restructures, resulting in longer hours and weekend work. Employees are forced to choose between a personal life and a work life. This does not sit well with the current, younger workforce, and this is compounded when both spouses or significant others work.

3. The job did not meet expectations

It has become all too common for a job to significantly vary from the initial description and what was promised during the interviewing stage. When this happens it can lead to mistrust. The employee starts to think, “What else are they not being truthful about?” When trust is missing, there can be no real employee ownership.

4. Employee misalignment

Organizations should never hire employees internal or external unless they are qualified for the job and in sync with the culture and goals of the organization. Managers should not try to force a fit when there is none. This is like trying to force a size-nine foot into a size-eight shoe. Neither management nor employee will be happy, and it usually ends badly.

5. Feeling undervalued

Everyone wants to be recognized and rewarded for a job well done. It’s part of our nature. Recognition does not have to be monetary. The most effective recognition is sincere appreciation. Recognizing employees is not simply a nice thing to do but an effective way to communicate appreciation for positive effort, while also reinforcing those actions and behaviors.

6. Coaching and feedback are lacking

Effective managers know how to help employees improve their performance and consistently give coaching and feedback to all employees. Ineffective managers put off giving feedback to employees even though they instinctively know that giving and getting honest feedback is essential for growth and building successful teams and organizations.

7. Decision-making ability is lacking

Far too many managers micromanage to the level of minutia. Micromanagers appear insecure regarding their employees’ ability to perform their jobs without the manager directing every move. Organizations need employees to have ownership and be empowered! Empowered employees have the freedom to make suggestions and decisions.

8. People skills are inadequate

Many managers were promoted because they did their jobs very well and got results. However, that doesn’t mean they know how to lead. Leaders aren’t born—they are made. People skills can be learned and developed, but it really helps if a manager has a natural ability to get along with people and motivate them. Managers should lead by example, reward by deed.

9. Organizational instability

Management’s constant reorganization, changing direction and shuffling people around disconnects employees from the organization’s purpose. Employees don’t know what’s going on, what the priorities are or what they should be doing. This causes frustration leading to confusion and inefficiencies.

10. Raises and promotions frozen

Raises and promotions are often frozen for economic reasons but are slow to be resumed after the crisis has passed. Organizations may not have a goal to offer the best compensation in their area, but if they don’t, they better pay competitive wages and benefits while making their employees feel valued! This is a critical combination.

11. Faith and confidence shaken

When employees are asked to do more and more, they see less evidence that they will ultimately share in the fruits of their labor. When revenues and profits increase along with workload, organizations should take another look at their overall compensation packages. Employees know when a company is doing well, and they expect to be considered as critical enablers of that success. If an organization wants empowered employees putting out quality products at a pace that meets customer demand, they need to demonstrate appreciation through actions.

12. Growth opportunities not available

A lot of good talent can be lost if the employees feel trapped in dead-end positions. Often talented individuals are forced to job-hop from one company to another in order to grow in status and compensation. The most successful organizations find ways to help employees develop new skills and responsibilities in their current positions and position them for future advancement within the enterprise. Employees who can see a potential for growth and comparable compensation are more inclined to stay with an organization

Tips to Reduce Employee Turnover

1. Hire the right people

The best way to ensure employees don’t leave you is to make sure you are hiring the right employees to begin with. Define the role clearly—both to yourself and to the candidates. And then be absolutely sure the candidate is a fit not only for it, but for your company culture.

2. Fire people who don’t fit

As the old saying goes, “a stitch in time, saves nine.” The same goes for cutting employees loose when necessary. Sometimes even when you follow the advice above, you get an employee who—no matter what you try to do—just doesn’t fit. And, no matter how effective they might be at their actual work, an employee who is a bad fit is bad for your culture, and that creates “culture debt.” They will do more damage than good by poisoning the well of your company. Cut them loose.

3. Keep compensation and benefits current

Be sure that you are paying employees the fair going wage for their work (or better) and offer them competitive benefits, or—really—who can blame them for ditching you? This might seem like a no brainer but you’d be surprised how few companies offer raises that keep up with an employee’s development and actual rising worth.

4. Encourage generosity and gratitude

Encourage pro-social behavior in your employees. When they are given the opportunity to connect with one another through acts of generosity and the expression of gratitude, employees will be healthier, happier, and less likely to fly the coop. And by encouraging them to be on the lookout for good behaviors to commend, you give people a sense of ownership of the company.

5. Recognize and reward employees

Show your employees they are valued and appreciated by offering them real-time recognition that celebrates their successes and their efforts. Make it specific, social and supported by tangible reward, and you, too, will be rewarded—with their loyalty.

6. Offer flexibility

Today’s employees crave a flexible life/work balance. That impacts retention directly. In fact, a Boston College Center for Work & Family study found that 76% of managers and 80% of employees indicated that flexible work arrangements had positive effects on retention. And more and more companies know it. That means, if you’re not offering employees flexibility around work hours and locations, they might easily leave you for someone who will.

7. Pay attention to engagement

This one sounds obvious, but for too many leaders interest in engagement is limited to the results of engagement surveys. It’s not enough simply to run an engagement survey once a year. You need save most of your energy to take action based on the results and you need to work to build a culture of engagement in your company all year long.

8. Prioritize employee happiness

Happiness may sound a bit soft and squishy to many execs, but the numbers behind it are anything but. Employee happiness is a key indicator of job satisfaction, absenteeism and alignment with values–just for starters. Investing in the happiness of your employees will pay dividends in engagement, productivity and yes, retention.

9. Make opportunities for development and growth

Employees place HUGE value on opportunities for growth. In fact, a recent Cornerstone survey drew a direct connection between lack of development opportunity and high turnover intentions. If you aren’t developing your employees then you aren’t investing in them. And if you aren’t investing in them, why should they stay with you?

10. Clean up performance reviews

Our most recent Workforce Mood Tracker survey painted a frankly dismal picture of how employees feel about performance reviews. Only 49 percent of them find reviews to be accurate, and only 47 percent find them to be motivating. Performance reviews offer a prime opportunity for a big win to increase trust and fortify your relationship with employees. Improve performance management by overhauling reviews, and watch employee trust and satisfaction grow.

11. Provide an inclusive vision

One key factor in employee engagement and happiness, according to experts, is to provide them with a sense of purpose and meaning in their work. Offer employees a strong vision and goals for their work and increase their sense of belonging and loyalty to your organization.

12. Demonstrate and cultivate respect

Finally, don’t discount respect when it comes to creating a magnetic culture. In fact, in one 2012 study, respect in the workplace was revealed to be a key factor in voluntary turnover. Find ways to cultivate and nurture respect in your workplace and it will pay off in higher retention.

It is the duty of managers to find out the reason for employee turnover and take appropriate actions to reduce the turnover rate, because high turnover will disrupt the smooth functioning of an organization. Employees is the real assets for an organization, and every organization should try hard to keep their employees at any cost.

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