Article Summary on Evolution of Marketing as a Discipline: What
Has Happened and What to look out for (Journal of Marketing Vol. 79
(January 2015), 1 -9)
3. What factors led to the urban crisis after World War II
throughout northern American cities? How did cities decline? How
did urban residents respond to the crisis?
Why are the Southern cities in the US growing so fast? Besides,
what might be some other potential causes for the rapid development
of Southern States and Cities in the United States? Is this trend
going to continue in the following 10 years/20 years and Why? (2-3
In the article by Oliver Williamson titled: “The Modern
Corporation: Origins, Evolution, Attributes,” what is one idea that
relates to economics in today's world?
What type of article/paper refers to a collection of techniques
in which researchers use findings from a group of related studies
to draw a general conclusion / synthesis based on the extant
research on a topic?
Which “Level of heading” (number) should be used for the major
section “Results”?
List the four (4) main elements of a reference according to the
current APA Manual
A running head should be a maximum of how many characters
(counting letters, punctuation, and space...