In: Finance
Haley is worried that Troy will be without health insurance after he graduates from college with his B.S./B.A. degree in a few years. Her primary worry is that he may not immediately find employment or be eligible for employer-provided coverage for an extended period of time, such as ninety days. Given these concerns, which of the following are examples of appropriate insurance coverage recommendations for Troy once he graduates?
a. Purchase no coverage; Haley’s concerns are not valid as the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 extends coverage under a parental
policy until young adults reach the age of twenty-six.
b. Purchase no coverage; Haley’s concerns are not valid as the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 extends coverage under a parental
policy until the age of twenty-six as long as the young adult does
not have coverage available through an employer plan. When
available, he will have coverage.
c. Extend his current coverage through a COBRA extension.
d. Purchase insurance through an Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010
high-risk pool.
Starting in 2010, the ACA extended the age that young adults can remain on a parent's insurance plan and mandated that all insurance plans maintain dependent insurance coverage—at the same price—to enrollee's adult children up to age 26 . The ACA superseded state laws by eliminating exceptions related to living situation, marital status, or student status.
b.) Superseded the Employed status
c.) COBRA is not applicable as there is no qualified beneficiary and qualifying event for Troy
d.) not necessary