In: Nursing
There are many factors that can predispose a population to increased or decreased utilization of health care services. They include: (1) socio-economic status, (2) physician supply, (3) policies and beliefs of a nation, (4) risk behaviours of a population, and (5) health status.
System Factors. ... The healthcare system is comprised of many sub-systems operating at different levels (e.g. outside of the organization, organization and/or program level, point of care) each with specific goals, resources (human, financial, equipment) and processes (formal and informal.)
Terms in this set (8)
Nurses are positioned to contribute to and lead the transformative changes that are occurring in healthcare by being a fully contributing member of the interprofessional team as we shift from episodic, provider-based, fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered care across the continuum that provides seamless,
affordable, and quality care. These shifts require a new or an enhanced set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes around wellness and population care with a renewed focus on patient-centered care, care coordination, data analytics, and quality improvement.
There are transformative changes occurring in healthcare for which nurses, because of their role, their education, and the respect they have earned, are well positioned to contribute to and lead. To be a major player in shaping these changes, nurses must understand the factors driving the change, the mandates for practice change, and the competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitudes) that will be needed for personal and systemwide success. This article discusses the driving factors leading to healthcare transformation and the role of the registered nurse (RN) in leading and being a fully contributing member of the interprofessional team as we shift from episodic, provider-based, fee-for-service care to team-based, patient-centered care across the continuum that provides seamless, affordable, and quality care. This new health paradigm requires the nurse to be a full partner in relentless efforts to achieve the triple aim of an improved patient experience of care (including quality and satisfaction), improved outcomes or health of populations, and a reduction in the per capita cost of healthcare.
Demand for health care is characterized by the level of actual consumption of an individual incase of facing illness/injury, this consumption could differ in accordance with demand factors such as income, cost of care, education, social norms and traditions, and the quality and appropriateness of the services provided ..
.Five factors contribute to the rise in health care costs in the US: (1) more people; (2) an aging population; (3) changes in disease prevalence or incidence; (4) increases in how often people use health care services; and (5) increases in the price and intensity of services.