In: Nursing
How to you tell the difference between orthopedic/musculoskeletal signs/symptoms and neurological signs/symptoms? Are there certain patterns of signs/symptoms that characterize each?
First of all you need to consider the full and complete subjective data,
more over in the physical examination and in the diagnostic tests performed convey the system effected ,
where ..the signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal system are as follows
1. pain at affected part
2. redness or warmth
3. swelling
5.In ability to use the joint or part
6. stiffness of the joint
7.If it is joint problem crunching or sounds of rubbing of two joints is present
Comming to the sings and symptoms of neurological system
1. increase in blood pressure due to increase in cranial pressure caused by increased cerebro spinal fluid
2. continious headache
3. nausia
5.paralysis or paraplegia
6.seizure due to increased icp( intra cranial pressure)
7.blurred vision
8.poor coagnative fuction i.e inability to think , confusion, delerium
9. muscle dystrophies or weakness
10. loss of sensations and perceptions..
and so on..... neurological signs and symptoms vary according to the effected nerve or brain
and also depends on cranial nerves and spinal nerves involvement
The differential diagnosis between the two systems , in spinal cord deformities or disorders become little difficult
where X rays and scans can help to diagnose the condition
Especially all musculoskeletal conditions can be identified through various diagnostic tests
Apart from physical sings and symptoms ,in neurological system, there will be psychological distress and disturbances also.