In: Nursing
Step 1: Think about the last time you used instructions to do something. Step 2: Answer the following questions: What did you use the instructions to do? Did you follow the instructions perfectly, that is, going through each step as it was listed? Why or why not? Did you find the instructions easy to follow? If yes, what specific element made the instructions easy? Did you find the instructions difficult? If yes, why?
Answer: Instructions are a set of standard rules that allows us to perform the work or the task. In the nursing profession it is necessary to follow the instructions regarding the treatment or the use of any equipment. Instructions used for any procedures, surgery performance etc.
Instruction used for the surgery such as pre- operative as well as post operative. This includes Patient's teaching, assessment as well as analysing the patient's health. Instructions are easy to follow as well as it provides platform to perform the work safely and accurately. Instructions makes complicated things easy as it enables us to operate, assess the various new things.