
In: Nursing

WK-3-A-2 Instructions You will explore the differences among educational levels, the scopes of practice, and credentialing...



You will explore the differences among educational levels, the scopes of practice, and credentialing and licensure requirements for various employees in a healthcare organization.

Scenario: You are the HR manager of a newly established healthcare organization. The board of directors of the organization asks you to prepare a presentation on the required profiles for the following roles:

Administrator (i.e., chief executive officer, vice president of nursing or finance, etc.)


Registered nurse

Nurse's aide

Laboratory technician

Dietary aide

Maintenance professional


For each role, provide the following information:

Educational qualifications required for the role

Scope of practice for the role

Credentialing and licensure requirements for the role

A description of the importance of the role in a healthcare organization

Explain the legal aspects of the HRM role.

For the workforce as a whole, address the following:

How would you build and maintain a climate of mutual respect and trust among employees?

What is the importance of diversity in the workforce?

Submission Details:  

Cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Your assignment should be addressed in a 16- to 20-PowerPoint presentation.


Expert Solution

As a HR Manager of a newly established healthcare organization, the following should be done for each of the position candidate selection.

Evaluating candidates:

Preliminary screening

The exploration group needs to evaluation all succumbed requests and regulate who doesn't meet the smallest necessities and who to noise in for an original meeting. Have a panel position the meeting timeslots with the applicant. Deliberate how discussions will be controlled if you have a combination of local and non-local applicants.


The exploration group will want to control their list of meeting queries. It is sensible to have a attorney or a human capitals specialized evaluation the queries to safeguard they are lawfully allowable. Contingent on the amount of suitable interviewees and the search group's choice about how numerous bands of meetings they feel essential, the search group may do an original meeting and endorse two to three applicants to be questioned by the full panel throughout a second meeting. Or, the exploration group may endorse two to three applicants to be questioned straight by the board.

While the exploration commission and board may be absorbed in the staff's insights of possible applicants, the final choice of whom to rental respites with the panel.


The concluding engagement choice is made by the full panel.

Grow a transition strategy

Contingent on the extent of your group and the distance of sign assumed by the outward-bound executive manager, the sheet may need to employ an existing staff associate as a provisional or acting executive leader. It will be cooperative for the outward-bound executive administrator to offer a gradient of significant upcoming days, so that an alternative illustrative can appear.

Ask the outward-bound executive manager to safeguard files are up-to-date and obviously noticeable. If there is no cross ended amid the outward-bound and new executive administrator, have a panel associate meet with the executive leader to find out anywhere significant leaflets are marched.

Outside communication

Word will banquet that your group is in changeover. As a boarding, deliberate your communication to the community so that you contemporary a dependable memorandum. Funders and key investors will escalate being expressed for myself of the change somewhat than interpretation around it in the paper or hearing distance the new additional hand. With the outward-bound executive's support, grow a slant of contributors and key investors and direct out a communication or e-mail to let them distinguish of the changeover and the tactics of the panel of managements to achieve the changeover.

Progression planning

It is precisely significant for panels to devote some time shiny on what they would do if, or once, the decision-making executive leaves. All besides repeatedly, panels find that they are unpremeditated for such an incidence and are left motocross to rapidly substitute that individual. There are numerous instances of a decision-making executive departure only to have the association fall into confusion: funders remove capitals and other important staff memberships leave owing to lack of real control. Even when providing with passable announcement, Panels occasionally find themselves in the location of consuming to ascent to find a temporary answer.

Emerging a sequence plan for the employee

In near cases, the Board may choose that there requirements to be an additional in expertise who has the capability to substitute the executive in the upcoming. This means:

-Classifying that individual in company with the executive employee

-Safeguarding that the person is interested to take on the highest job

-Emerging a plan to safeguard that the ultimate inheritor improvements the necessary services and information to take the occupation on

-Safeguarding that the additional in knowledge is bare to a comprehensive variety of involvements so that he or she has a broader sympathetic of the processes of the group

The strategy might include a formal procedure of mentoring or training and drill in more exact features of the occupation. When the scope of the group licenses, it would be desirable to have additional than one person recognized as a possible inheritor to the ED.

Inner communication

The parting of an executive desirable period deprived of an older staff being and the entrance of a new person can be demanding for staff. Custody staff knowledgeable of the procedure will make it calmer on them throughout this period. Have a panel associate meet with supervise as initial as conceivable to give particulars of the changeover plan.

When an employee leaves and there is no sequence plan

When confronted with the loss or imminent loss of the decision-making, these categories of queries rapidly surface:

-Must we employ from inside or look for an outside applicant?

-Do we have anybody inside who is capable?

-Whether we hire inside or outwardly, does anybody actually distinguish the particulars of what that individual was undertaking?

-What benevolent of influence will this alteration have on our volume to transport on our order and on our associations with our customers, donors and agrees?

-What do we express our investors?

Steps to put in place:

-First and primary, the panel is accountable for illustration up a strategy of act and efficiently interactive it to the rest of the supervise as soon as likely. This is essential to prove that the board is captivating conclusive act, to contract with any misrepresentation that may be produced by a rapid leaving and to safeguard that all of the workers' questions are replied.

-The panel must also interconnect its plan of deed for substituting the decision-making executive in a timely way with its funders. Funders will want to be guaranteed that strategies and agendas are on board and deliverables will not alter.

-With no sequence strategy or additional in knowledge recognized, the Panel may want to designation a temporary executive until a standby is designated. This select should be made astutely since somebody with the right services and information wants to be selected. If a individual is requested to take on the executive errands in adding to his or her occupation, there must be an change in that operative's recompense to reproduce the extra errands and work weight.

-Additional selection is to ask a competent collection of two or three staffs to co-manage the group by sharing the executive errands. In instruction for this method to be actual, it needs a strong considerate of the numerous features of the executive's spot so that responsibilities may be assumed to individuals with aptitude to take them on. It also needs continuing message and organization amid the staffs that are portion of the co-management side.

-If there are no staffs able or eager to take on the chore on a temporary source, a panel associate may be requested to temporarily shoulder these purposes. Of sequence, the board member will have to leave from the panel if he or she takes on a rewarded position with the group.

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