
In: Computer Science

Programming can be used to assist users in completing complex calculations very quickly. As seen in...

Programming can be used to assist users in completing complex calculations very quickly. As seen in class practices, we were able to calculate the area of geometric shapes, figure out the amount of calories in cookies, and even calculate a restaurant bill.
For this assignment, you will take input from the user to provide interactive messages and to solve the following word problem:
Engineers often need to convert between different types of units to perform calculations that follow standard formulas. One conversion that is very common involves converting distances. List the steps, by writing pseudocode, that explains how you would ask the user to provide the distance in miles and would display: 1) The distance in kilometers, 2) the distance in feet, 3) the distance in yards.
The program asks the user to provide their name and displays a greeting message that explains its purpose. The program requests the distance in miles. The user provides the number 158 for miles. The program calculates and displays the results of: 1) 254.28 kilometers, 2) 834240 feet, 3) 278080 yards

Your Task:
For now, we are not going to do any programming! You must understand that you should plan your code. Planning your code saves you time in the long run and allows you to use the solution in any programming language.
For this part of your project, you must write pseudocode explaining the steps that you will take to create the program described above.
Remember that pseudocodes involve absolutely no Python yet.
Remember that in a PSEUDOCODE we should identify the: 1) Input, 2) Process, 3) Output

using pseudocode and give me the process and programming


Expert Solution

First of all lets try to understand the steps that are involved here:

step 1: Display a message to user asking the to provide their name and then Get the input of their name.

step 2: Display a greeting message with user's name along with description about the program and its purpose. And also ask then to enter the distance in Miles.

step 3: Get the input from the user and store it in a variable and then calculate distance in other units using below conversion factors:

  • miles to km- KM=1.609* MILES , as 1 mile = 1.609 kms
  • miles to feet- FEET= 5280* MILES , as 1 mile = 5280 feets
  • miles to yards- YARDS = 1760* MILES , as 1 mile = 1760 yards

After calculating these values,

step 4: Display or print the values in required form i.e., 1) KM kilometers 2) FEET feets 3) YARDS yards

Now, the pseudocode would be as follow:(#note that MILES, KM,FEET and YARDS are variables of float or decimal type.)

  1. START
  2. Display(/Print) " Hello, please enter your name"
  3. Enter(/Input) USERNAME // stores username
  4. Display(/Print) "welcome USERNAME, Enter the distance in miles to get it converted into kilometers, feet and yards."
  5. Enter(/Input) MILES // distance in miles
  6. KM = 1.069 * MILES // calculate and store distance in KM
  7. FEET = 5280 * MILES // to calculate and store distance in FEET
  8. YARDS = 1760 * MILES // to calculate and store distance in YARDS
  9. Display(/Print) "distances are 1)KM kilometers \n 2)FEET feets \n 3)YARDS yards"
  10. STOP/END

if still having any doubt feel free to ask in comments.

Don't forget a thumbs up,

thank you.

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