
In: Advanced Math

An improvement to the Forward Euler method is Heun’s method, a “predictor-corrector” approach that uses the...

An improvement to the Forward Euler method is Heun’s method, a “predictor-corrector” approach that uses the predicted values at the next time step to create a second improved (“corrected”) approximation.

Given the first order ODE y = f (x, y), and a point on the solution curve (xn ,  yn), we want to estimate the next point at a step size h later. We make a first prediction of the next value, y*, using the forward Euler approach:

xn+1  =  xn + h
y*n+1  =  yn + hf (xn , yn)
But then this predicted value is used to improve our estimate of the slope f . We compute the approximate slope at the end of our timestep as

f (xn+1, y*n+1).
We then go back and produce our better estimate of yn+1 using the average of the two slopes. i.e.,

yn+1  =  yn + h *(1/2)*[ f (xn , yn) + f (xn+1, y*n+1)].
This is Heun's method. It is also identified as one version of the popular and powerful Runge Kutta methods.

Let y(x) be the solution to the following initial value problem,

y  =  (3/10)*[ y + sin(xy)],    y (0)  =  1

Use Heun's method with h = .001 to estimate the value of y(5).


Expert Solution

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%Function for which solution have to do
f=@(x,y) (3/10)*(y+sin(x*y));

    h=0.001;         %amount of intervals
    x=0;             % initial x
    y=1;             % initial y
    x_eval=5;        % at what point we have to evaluate
    n=(x_eval-x)/h; %Number of steps
    for i=1:n
    %improved Eular steps

    title('x vs. y plot using Heun method')
    fprintf('Using Heun method with h=0.001 the estimated value y(%1.0f)=%f\n',x_heun(end),y_heun(end))
                 %%%%%%%%%%% End of Code %%%%%%%%%%

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