
In: Statistics and Probability

A researcher wishes to test the effectiveness of flu vaccination. 150 people are vaccinated, 180 people...

A researcher wishes to test the effectiveness of flu vaccination. 150 people are vaccinated, 180 people are vaccinated with a placebo, and 100 people are not vaccinated. The number in each group who later caught the flu was recorded. The results are shown below.

Vaccinated Placebo control
Caught the flu 8 19 21
Vaccinated Placebo 142 161 79

Use a 0.05 significance level to test the claim that the proportion of people catching the fly is the same in all 3 groups.


Expert Solution


The null and alternative hypothesis is:

H0: The proportion of people catching the fly is the same in all 3 groups

Ha: The proportion of people catching the fly is not the same in all 3 groups.

Under the null hypothesis, the test statistic is:

The observed counts are given below:

Vaccinated Placebo control Total
Caught the flu 8 19 21 48
Vaccinated Placebo 142 161 79 382
Total 150 180 100 430

The expected counts can be calculated as:

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