In: Finance
Richard was very indulgent and paid little attention to his health. He went out on shopping sprees that he and Monica couldn’t afford. He was overweight. He used alcohol excessively and smoked. His doctor had warned him of his unhealthy habits including a high cholesterol level, which placed him at risk of a major illness. His work output was excellent, but he often got into verbal arguments with superiors. The result was a reputation as a brilliant but unsteady worker who shifted from job to job often.
Monica was a vegetarian who exercised regularly. Her doctor told her she had the physical condition of a woman 10 years younger. Given Richard’s erratic behavior, one would think Monica would be under great stress. When I posed that question to her, she said that she had learned to cope with Richard’s behavior.
The couple had no life insurance except for a policy providing one times Richard’s salary at work. Monica had often asked Richard to get some additional insurance. His reply was that they did not have enough money. Monica specifically requested that I look at term and whole life insurance and tell her the type and amount of insurance that was appropriate.
Richard and Monica’s insurance policies are summarized below:
Medical coverage was adequate.
Auto insurance was at the minimum level for the state of $50,000 to $100,000 per accident.
Homeowners insurance was at a level of 50 percent of replacement cost for the house. They had a 90 percent co-insurance clause.
Richard had no disability coverage.
A note saying that Richard didn’t want long-term care insurance, but Monica was interested in looking at it.
What recommendation would you make to improve the couple's risk profile?
Health is wealth.
Richard needs a term and health insurance for uncertainities.
his wife has an appropriate accidental insurance . Richard score on health is less and he should cover his health and death expenses for worst case scenarios. 10$ a month premium are easily available to cover the risk by 100000$.