
In: Nursing

6. We have successfully edited eukaryotes (human embryos), bacteria, and viruses using modifications of the CRISPR...

6. We have successfully edited eukaryotes (human embryos), bacteria, and viruses using modifications of the CRISPR technology. What are some positive aspects of this technology?

7. What are your concerns with this technology? Consider: bioethics, biosecurity, and how can we manipulate organisms to be greater bioweapons.


Expert Solution

6.CRISPR technology stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat. It generally help in gene editing.

-CRISPR can correct the genetic error that cause disease.

- CRISPR can eliminate the microbe of the disease.

- CRISPR can create good and healthier food

- CRISPR can eradicate the planets most dangerous pest.

- CRISPR technology is one of the cheap method. Easy to do, less time taking.

7. Major concern of CRISPR technology are mentioned below-

Off target of any functional gene cause alter it's functional activity.

It may cause genetic instability . Various studies show CRISPR can cause the cell to loss it's ability to fight against cancer

In theory, the CRISPR Cas-9 is incredibly specific but in practically it causes mutations.

The major concern against CRISPR is public misunderstanding and mistrust of GMO will hinder specific scientific process and valid uses of CRISPR.

Bioethical issues due to CRISPR ecological imbalances, threatened human dignity and identity

CRISPR raises biosecurity concerns scientists may employ this technique as biological weapons on upcoming future world.

Many scientist knows that application of CRISPR as bioweapon.

The genetic engineered super bug is highly lethal, resistance to environmental influences or any type of medication. We can manipulate organism for bioweapon purpose by genetic engineering technology, gene editing, mutations these tools help the pathogen or organisms to transform into more lethal form.

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