In: Nursing
1. Define the following Terminologies Morbidity: Mortality: Metastasis: Standard of precautions: Transmission-Based Precautions: Risk factors: Congenital disorders: Cultural diversity: Cultural sensitivity: Transcultural nursing:
2. Number the order of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, from bottom to top is: Safety Esteem Love Physiological Self-Actualization
3. Madeline always feels like she is never included in group activities or social events. She has become depressed and lonely. According to Maslow, which category of needs has not been fulfilled? a. Social (love/belonging) needs b. Self-actualization needs c. Physiological needs d. Safety needs e. Esteem needs
4. What are some examples of basic physiological needs? List at least 5.
5. What are some ways the body eliminates wastes? What are conditions that may disrupt normal elimination? How can you as a nurse assist the client?
6. Consider the care of a client who does not speak the same language as you. Address possible client needs that may be unmet. Determine any considerations for you to take to improve quality of care.
7. Define and differentiate the term lifestyle factor and risk factor. Describe lifestyle and risk factors that can directly affect health, and nursing considerations for these factors.
8. What components contribute to a state of wellness?
9. Identify the functions of OSHA and of the Social Security Agency.
10. Consider and list
morbidity- the condition of being diseased, the rate of disese in a population
mortality- mortality is the state of being subject to death,death especially on a large scale
Metastasis- The development of secondary malignant growths at a distance from a primary site of cancer.
Standards of precaution- it refers to the practice in medicine of avoiding contact with patients bodily fluids by means of the wearing of nonporous articles such as medical gloves ,goggles, and face shield
Transmission based precaution- are infection control precautions in health care in addition to contact precautions,airborn precautions,and droplet precauton
Risk factors- in epidemiology a risk factor or determinant is a variable associated with an increased risk of disease or infection, determinant is often used as synonym
congeniital disorder- An often inherited medical condition that occurs at or before condition also called as congenital anomalies
cultural diversity- the existance of a variety of cultural or ethnic grouups within a society
Cultural sensitivity is being aware that cultural differences and similarities between people exist without assigning them a value positive or negative better of worse right or wrong
Transculture nursing- Transculture nursing is how professional nursing interacts with the concept of culture based in anthropology and nursing it is supported by nursing theory,reserch,and practice.
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