In: Nursing
Discuss your patient with asthma at different ages and how their medical and educational needs might change over time. Ages to be discussed 5 years, 11 years, and 17 years. Areas to include would be care at home, care at school and care during extra curricular activities. (Between 100 to 200 words)
Asthma in 5 years of age can be treated by inhaled corticosteroids are the most commonl used long term asthma control drugs for children under age of 5 years as well as the preffered treatment according to the national asthma education and preventiion guidelines.
in 11 years of age asthma symptoms are severe the treatment options are inhaled corticosteroids ,leukotrine modifiers,combination of inhalares,theophilin ,and biologics like injectable medications and quick acting broncho dialators are very effectiive for this age groups and patient shoul be adviced for avoid asthma triger factors.
in 17 years the treatment goals for the adolecent patient with asthma are ,
treat inflammation in the airways usually with daily medication to prevent asthma attacks,use short acting drug to treat asthma attacks avoid or mnimise the effects of asthma triggers,and maintain the activity level, the medications we can used as similar as in treatment regiimen of 11 year child.