
In: Nursing

what types of fatty acids are solid fats typically high in? Which are they low in?

what types of fatty acids are solid fats typically high in? Which are they low in?


Expert Solution

Types of Fatty acids:

  • Saturated fatty acids - It contains bonded hydrogen atom. The chief sources are from the animals such as butter, milk, and meats. Plant oils such as coconut oil, and palm oil also rich in saturated fat.
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: It is also called as monosaturated fatty acids. It contains only one bond of the hydrogen atom. Oils such as safflower, olive, avocado, peanut largely consist of Monosaturated fatty acids.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Two or more hydrogen atom bonded together and form a fatty acid. walnut, sunflower, soybean, and cottonseed are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Solid fats are high in saturated fats or trans fat and low in monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Solid fats will raise LDL cholesterol level in the blood. Oils also considered as solid fats as they are high in trans fat. Some of the solid fats are

  • Butter
  • Beef
  • Milk
  • Chicken fat
  • cream
  • Hydrogenated oils
  • Palm oils
  • coconut oil

Some of the foods that contain low of solid fats are

  • Fat-free milk
  • Vegetable oils such as canola, safflower, olive oil, corn oil.
  • baked or boiled items,
  • Nuts
  • Fruits
  • Plain Yoghurt.

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