
In: Computer Science

In this question you will be asked to create some classes: Store, GroceryStore, and ClothingStore.

Use Python

general directions:

In this question you will be asked to create some classes: Store, GroceryStore, and ClothingStore.

Store has the following attributes and methods:

  • total_profit - this is a CLASS ATTRIBUTE that keeps track of the profit made in each instance of Store. (A class attribute is an attribute shared by all the instances of the class)
  • __init__ - this is a constructor that is used to create an instance of a Store object. This constructor will do three things:
    • initialize an instance variable inventory to be an empty dictionary. This dictionary will have 'items' as keys with a dictionary for values. This inner dictionary will have key value pairs for 'price' (the price of an item), 'stock' (the number of items), and 'category' (the type of item).
    • initialize an instance variable num_items. This will count the total number of items in the current Store.
    • initialize an instance variable profit. This will keep track of the total profit made in the current Store.
  • add_item() - this will take in an item name, the item price, the number of items to be added, and the category of items.
    • Add the specified item to the inventory by assigning the item key a dictionary of its values. Look at bullet point 1 in __init__ for details.
      • Ex. If I called add_item("Bread", 5, 10, "Food"). Inventory would look like {'Bread': {'price': 5, 'stock': 10, 'category': 'Food'}}
      • It would then PRINT 'Added 10 Bread at $5'
    • Increase num_items by the stock of the item we added.
    • If the specified item ALREADY EXISTS in our inventory, only add to its stock and ignore all other changes.
      • If I called add_item("Bread", 20, 5, "Not food"), only increase stock and num_items and PRINT "Added 5 more Breads"
    • If the 'stock' is less than one, PRINT "MUST ADD AT LEAST ONE (item)"
  • sell_item() - this will take in an item name and the number of items to be sold.
    • Decrease the stock of the item and num_items by the number of items sold.
    • Increase the profit of the store and the profit of all stores.
    • If the item does not exist in the inventory, PRINT "ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY"
    • If we try to sell more of the item than the store has, PRINT "NOT ENOUGH ITEMS IN INVENTORY"
  • sell_all() - this will take in an item name and sell all of the items that the store has.
    • If the item does not exist in the inventory, PRINT "ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY"
  • get_item() - will return the dictionary value of the item
    • If the item does not exist in the inventory, PRINT "ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY"
  • get_num_items() - get the number of items in the store
  • get_profit() - get the profit of the store
  • get_total_profit() - get the profit of all stores
  • __repr__ - output of the store when it is printed. Do not change this function.

GroceryStore class is a child (subclass) of Store and has the following methods.

  • __init__ - constructor to create an instance of a GroceryStore.
    • Since GroceryStore is inherited from Store, what line should you have? Hint here.# this link just refers to the super function
    • Set an instance variable category to be 'Food'. You will use this when you call add_item()
  • add_item() - will take in the item name, item price, and the stock of the item.
    • Think about how we can use the add_item() we have already defined in a parent class. Make sure to not duplicate code in this method

ClothingStore class is a another child (subclass) of Store and has the following methods.

  • __init__ - constructor to create an instance of a ClothingStore.
    • Since ClothingStore is inherited from Store, what line should you have?
    • Set an instance variable category to be 'Clothes'. You will use this when you call add_item()
  • add_item() - will take in the item name, item price, and the stock of the item.
    • Think about how we can use the add_item() we have already defined in a parent class. Make sure to not duplicate code in this method

Questions themselves:

class Store:
Store class to copy some functions of a store
>>> walmart = Store()
>>> walmart.add_item("Bread", 5, 10, "Food")
Added 10 Bread at $5
>>> walmart.get_num_items()
>>> walmart.get_profit()
>>> walmart.sell_item("Bread", 3)
>>> walmart.get_profit()
>>> walmart.sell_all("Bread")
>>> walmart.get_profit()
>>> walmart
This store has
Bread - Price: 5 - In Stock: 0 - Category: Food
for a total of 0 items and a profit of $50

>>> costco = Store()
>>> costco.add_item("iPad", 200, 5, "Electronics")
Added 5 iPad at $200
>>> costco.sell_item("Hotdog", 1)
>>> costco.add_item("Hotdog", 3, 2, "Food")
Added 2 Hotdog at $3
>>> costco.get_item("Hotdog")
{'price': 3, 'stock': 2, 'category': 'Food'}
>>> costco.sell_item("Hotdog", 5)
>>> costco.sell_all("iPad")
>>> costco.sell_all("Hotdog")
>>> costco.get_profit()
>>> costco
This store has
iPad - Price: 200 - In Stock: 0 - Category: Electronics
Hotdog - Price: 3 - In Stock: 0 - Category: Food
for a total of 0 items and a profit of $1006
>>> Store.total_profit

>>> trashcan = Store()
>>> trashcan.get_num_items()
>>> trashcan.get_item("trash")
>>> trashcan
This store has no items

def __init__(self):
# Replace pass with your code

def add_item(self, item, price, stock, category):
# Replace pass with your code

def sell_item(self, item, num):
# Replace pass with your code

def sell_all(self, item):
# Replace pass with your code

def get_item(self, item):
# Replace pass with your code

def get_num_items(self):
# Replace pass with your code

def get_profit(self):
# Replace pass with your code

def get_total_profit(self):
# Replace pass with your code

def __repr__(self):
if not self.inventory:
return "This store has no items"

s = "This store has\n"
for item in self.inventory:
s += str(item) + \
" - Price: " + str(self.get_item(item)['price']) + \
" - In Stock: " + str(self.get_item(item)['stock']) + \
" - Category: " + str(self.get_item(item)['category']) + \
s += "for a total of " + str(self.num_items) + " items " + \
"and a profit of $" + str(self.profit)
return s

class GroceryStore(Store):
>>> mcd = GroceryStore()
>>> mcd.add_item("Happy Meal", 5, 20)
Added 20 Happy Meal at $5
>>> mcd.get_item("Happy Meal")
{'price': 5, 'stock': 20, 'category': 'Food'}
>>> mcd
This store has
Happy Meal - Price: 5 - In Stock: 20 - Category: Food
for a total of 20 items and a profit of $0
def __init__(self):
# Replace pass with your code
def add_item(self, item, price, stock):
# Replace pass with your code

class ClothingStore(Store):
>>> gucci = ClothingStore()
>>> gucci.add_item("Jacket", 1000, 2)
Added 2 Jacket at $1000
>>> gucci.get_item("Jacket")
{'price': 1000, 'stock': 2, 'category': 'Clothes'}
>>> gucci
This store has
Jacket - Price: 1000 - In Stock: 2 - Category: Clothes
for a total of 2 items and a profit of $0

def __init__(self):
# Replace pass with your code

def add_item(self, item, price, stock):
# Replace pass with your code


Expert Solution

This program contains a super class Store and its 2 sub classes GroceryStore and ClothigStore.

Store class:

Store class Code:

#Store class
class Store:
    #class variable
    def __init__(self):
        #instance variables
        self.inventory={} #empty dictionary

    def add_item(self, item, price, stock, category):
        #when stock is less than 1 print
            print('MUST ADD AT LEAST ONE (item)')
        #when item is already present in the inventory dictionary
        elif item in self.inventory:
            #increment the stock part
            #increment the instance variable num_items
        #when item is not present in the dictionary add a new key-value pair
            print('Added',stock,item,'at $'+str(price))
            #increment num_items value

    #method for selling items
    def sell_item(self, item, num):
        #if the item is present in the dictionary
        if item in self.inventory:
            #and the no of stock to be sold is greater than the stock present
            if(self.inventory[item]['stock']                 #print
                print('NOT ENOUGH ITEMS IN INVENTORY')
            #if the requested stock is available
                #decrement stock and num_items value
                #increase the profit by multiplying price with the num of items sold
        #if item is not present in the dictionary
            print('ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY')

    #method for selling all the stock of an item
    def sell_all(self, item):
        #if the item is present in dictionary
        if item in self.inventory:
            #store the item's stock in a stock variable

            #decrement num_items by stock
            #set item's stock value to 0
            #calculate the profit

        #if item is not present in the dictionary
            print('ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY')

    #method to return the requested item values
    def get_item(self, item):
        #if item is present in the dictionary
        if item in self.inventory:
            return self.inventory[item]
            print('ITEM NOT IN INVENTORY')

    #method to return the num_items value
    def get_num_items(self):
        return self.num_items

    #method to return the profit value
    def get_profit(self):
        return self.profit

    #method to return the total_profit value
    def get_total_profit(self):
        return Store.total_profit

    #display function
    def __repr__(self):
        if not self.inventory:
            return "This store has no items"

        s = "This store has\n"
        for item in self.inventory:
            s += str(item) + \
            " - Price: " + str(self.get_item(item)['price']) + \
            " - In Stock: " + str(self.get_item(item)['stock']) + \
            " - Category: " + str(self.get_item(item)['category']) + \
            s += "for a total of " + str(self.num_items) + " items " + \
            "and a profit of $" + str(self.profit)

        return s

GroceryStore Class:

#class GroceryStore inherits Store class
class GroceryStore (Store):
    def __init__(self):
        #call the super class(Store class) constructor
        #declare instance variable

    #method for adding items
    def add_item(self,item,price,stock):
        #call super class method add_item

ClothingStore class:

#class ClothingStore inherits Store class
class ClothingStore(Store):
     def __init__(self):
         #call the super class(Store class) constructor
         #declare instance variable

     #method for adding items
     def add_item(self,item,price,stock):
        #call super class method add_item



#For testing the 3 classes
walmart = Store()
walmart.add_item("Bread", 5, 10, "Food")
walmart.sell_item("Bread", 3)

costco = Store()
costco.add_item("iPad", 200, 5, "Electronics")
costco.sell_item("Hotdog", 1)
costco.add_item("Hotdog", 3, 2, "Food")
costco.sell_item("Hotdog", 5)

trashcan = Store()

mcd = GroceryStore()
mcd.add_item("Happy Meal", 5, 20)
print(mcd.get_item("Happy Meal"))

gucci = ClothingStore()
gucci.add_item("Jacket", 1000, 2)


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