
In: Computer Science

For this assignment, you will create a hierarchy of five classes to describe various elements of...

For this assignment, you will create a hierarchy of five classes to describe various elements of a school setting. The classes you will write are: Person, Student,Teacher, HighSchoolStudent, and School. Detailed below are the requirements for the variables and methods of each class. You may need to add a few additional variables and/or methods; figuring out what is needed is part of your task with this assignment.



String firstName - Holds the person's first name

String lastName - Holds the person's last name


Person(String fName, String lName) - Constructor that takes in String parameters representing the first and last names

String toString() - Returns a String with the following format:

firstName lastName

Student extends Person


int studentId - Using a static variable to keep track of how many students there are, every student should be assigned a unique value for their own studentId.

int level - Represents a student's grade level with possible values ranging from 0 to 12, where 0 represents kindergarten.


Student(String fName, String lName, int gLevel) - Constructor that accepts the first and last names and the student level. Student level should be assigned 0 if gLevel is not between 0 and 12 inclusive. The first and last names should be set by calling the constructor of the parent class. The Student constructor also sets the studentId to the next available positive integer. The first Student created should have a studentId of 1, the second will have an ID of 2, third of 3, etc.

int getLevel() - Returns the student's grade level.

String toString() - Returns a three line String with Student info formatted as follows:

Mary Smith
   Grade Level: 2
   ID: 1
Note: there are three spaces before "Grade Level: ..." and "ID: ...".

HighSchoolStudent extends Student


double gpa - Stores a grade point average between 0 and 5 inclusive


HighSchoolStudent(String fName, String lName, int gLevel, double gpa) - The first and last names and the level should be set by calling the constructor of the parent class. The GPA should be between 0 and 5 inclusive, otherwise set to 0.

String toString() - Returns a four line String with HighSchoolStudent info formatted as follows:

Sarah Lee
   Grade Level: 9
   ID: 2
   GPA: 3.7
Note: there are three spaces before "Grade Level: ...", "ID: ..." and "GPA: ...".

Teacher extends Person


String subject - A String representing the academic subject taught by the teacher.


Teacher(String fName, String lName, String subject) - The first and last names should be set by calling the constructor of the parent class.

String toString() - Returns a two line String with Teacher info formatted as follows:

Rebecca Dovi
   Subject: Computer Science
Note: there are three spaces before "Subject: ...".



ArrayList<Student> students - A list of students at the school.

ArrayList<Teacher> teachers - A list of teachers at the school.


School(ArrayList<Student> students, ArrayList<Teacher> teachers) - A constructor that specifies teachers and students at a school.

String getGradeLevel(int level) - Returns a String listing all the schools's students that are at the specified grade level. Returns an empty String if the school has no students at the specified level. See the Sample Run below for the format of the returned String.

String toString() - Returns a multiline String listing the teachers and students at the school. The String is formatted as follows:

{listing of faculty, one on each line}

Student Body:
{listing of students, one on each line}

See the Sample Run below for an example.

Remember, all variables should have an access level of private and all required methods should have an access level of public. Wherever possible, the child class should use a call to the parent's toString and/or constructor methods.

Please download the runner class, and verify that the class output matches the sample run that follows. We will use a different runner to grade the program. Remember to change the runner to test different values to make sure your program fits the requirements.

Sample Run of

printing person:

John Doe

printing student:

Sallie Smithers
   Grade Level: 7
   ID: 1

printing highschoolstudent:

Bert Smith
   Grade Level: 11
   ID: 2
   GPA: 3.67

printing school:

Ada Lovelace
   Subject: Mathematics
Albert Einstein
   Subject: Physics
Grace Hopper
   Subject: Computer Science
Alan Turing
   Subject: Mathematics
Marie Curie
   Subject: Chemistry
Dolly Madison
   Subject: Government
Maya Angelou
   Subject: English Composition

Student Body:
Jem Finch
   Grade Level: 11
   ID: 3
   GPA: 3.4
Scout Finch
   Grade Level: 4
   ID: 4
Natalie Adams
   Grade Level: 11
   ID: 5
   GPA: 2.4
Boo Radley
   Grade Level: 12
   ID: 6
   GPA: 1.7
Atticus Finch
   Grade Level: 12
   ID: 7
   GPA: 4.8
Elaine Benes
   Grade Level: 9
   ID: 8
Patrick Henry
   Grade Level: 11
   ID: 9

just seniors:
Boo Radley
   Grade Level: 12
   ID: 6
   GPA: 1.7
Atticus Finch
   Grade Level: 12
   ID: 7
   GPA: 4.8

1. Submit your Person class here.

NOTE: You MUST use the class name "Person" for this submission.


Expert Solution

import java.util.ArrayList;

public class student_runner_School

public static void main(String arg[]) throws IOException
Person p = new Person("John", "Doe");
System.out.println("printing person:\n");

Student s = new Student("Sallie", "Smithers", 7);
System.out.println("\n\nprinting student:\n");

System.out.println("\n\nprinting highschoolstudent:\n");
HighSchoolStudent h = new HighSchoolStudent("Bert", "Smith", 11, 3.67);

ArrayList<Student> stu = new ArrayList<Student>();
stu.add(new HighSchoolStudent("Jem", "Finch", 11, 3.4));
stu.add(new Student("Scout", "Finch", 4));
stu.add(new HighSchoolStudent("Natalie", "Adams", 11, 2.4));
stu.add(new HighSchoolStudent("Boo", "Radley", 12, 1.7));
stu.add(new HighSchoolStudent("Atticus", "Finch", 12, 4.8));
stu.add(new Student("Elaine", "Benes", 9));
stu.add(new Student("Patrick", "Henry", 11));

ArrayList<Teacher> tea = new ArrayList<Teacher>();
tea.add(new Teacher("Ada", "Lovelace", "Mathematics"));
tea.add(new Teacher("Albert", "Einstein", "Physics"));                 
tea.add(new Teacher("Grace", "Hopper", "Computer Science"));
tea.add(new Teacher("Alan", "Turing", "Mathematics"));
tea.add(new Teacher("Marie", "Curie", "Chemistry"));
tea.add(new Teacher("Dolly", "Madison", "Government"));
tea.add(new Teacher("Maya", "Angelou", "English Composition"));

School sch = new School(stu, tea);
System.out.println("\n\nprinting school: \n");

System.out.println("\n\njust seniors: \n" + sch.getGradeLevel(12));


public class Person {

   private String firstName;
   private String lastName;
   //Constructor that takes in String parameters representing the first and last names
   public Person(String fName, String lName)
       firstName = fName;
       lastName = lName;
   //Returns a string in the following format:
   //lastName, firstName
   public String toString()
       return (lastName + ", " + firstName);

public class HighSchoolStudent extends Student{

   private double gpa;
   // The first and last names and the level should be set by calling the
   // constructor of the parent class. The GPA should be between 0 and 5
   // inclusive, otherwise set to 0.
   public HighSchoolStudent(String fName, String lName, int gLevel, double inputGpa)
       super(fName, lName, gLevel);
       if(inputGpa >= 0 && inputGpa <= 5)
           gpa = inputGpa;
           gpa = 0;
   // Returns a four line String with HighSchoolStudent info formatted as follows:
   //    Lee, Sarah
   //        Grade Level: 9
   //       ID #: 2
   //       GPA: 3.7
   //   Note: there are three spaces before "Grade Level: ...", "ID #: ..." and "GPA: ...".
   public String toString()
       String whole = super.toString();
       whole = whole + "\n   " + "GPA: " + gpa;
       return whole;

public class Teacher extends Person{
   // A String representing the academic subject taught by the teacher.
   private String subject;
   // The first and last names should be set by calling the constructor of the parent class.
   public Teacher(String fName, String lName, String subject1)
       super(fName, lName);
       subject = subject1;
   // Returns a two line String with Teacher info formatted as follows:
   // Dovi, Rebecca
   //    Subject: Computer Science
   // Note: there are three spaces before "Subject: ...".
   public String toString()
       String whole = super.toString();
       whole = whole + "\n   " + "Subject: " + subject;
       return whole;


import java.util.ArrayList;

public class School {

   // A list of students at the school.
   private ArrayList<Student> students;
   // A list of teachers at the school.
   private ArrayList<Teacher> teachers;
   // A constructor that specifies teachers and students at a school.
   public School(ArrayList<Student> students1, ArrayList<Teacher> teachers1)
       students = students1;
       teachers = teachers1;
   // Returns a String listing all the schools's students that are at the specified grade level.
   // Returns an empty String if the school has no students at the specified level.
   // See the Sample Run below for the format of the returned String.
   public String getGradeLevel(int level)
       String whole = "";
       for(Student student1: students)
           if(student1.getLevel() == level)
               whole = whole + student1 + "\n";
       return whole;
   // Returns a multi-line String listing the teachers and students at the school.
   // The String is formatted as follows:
   // Faculty:
   // {listing of faculty, one on each line}
   // Student Body:
   // {listing of students, one on each line}
   public String toString()
       String wholeString = "";
       String wholeStudents = "";
       for(Student student1: students)
           wholeStudents = wholeStudents + student1 + "\n";
       String wholeTeachers = "";
       for(Teacher teacher1: teachers)
           wholeTeachers = wholeTeachers + teacher1 + "\n";
       wholeString = "Faculty:" + "\n" + wholeTeachers + "\n\n";
       wholeString = wholeString + "Student Body:" + "\n" + wholeStudents;
       return wholeString;

public class Student extends Person{
   private static int studentId = 1;
   private int level;
   private int id;
   // Constructor that accepts the first and last names and the student level.
   // Student level should be assigned 0 if gLevel is not between 0 and 12 inclusive.
   // The first and last names should be set by calling the constructor of the parent class.
   // The Student constructor also sets the studentId to the next available positive integer.
   // The first Student created should have a studentId of 1, the second will
   // have an ID of 2, third of 3, etc.
   public Student(String fName, String lName, int gLevel)
       super(fName, lName);
       if(gLevel >= 0 && gLevel <= 12)
           level = gLevel;
           level = 0;
       id = studentId;
   // Returns the student's grade level.
   public int getLevel()
       return level;

   // Returns a three line String with Student info formatted as follows:
   // Smith, Mary
   //   Grade Level: 2
   //   ID #: 1
   // Note: there are three spaces before "Grade Level: ..." and "ID #: ...".
   public String toString()
       String whole = super.toString();
       whole = whole + "\n   " + "Grade Level: " + level;
       whole = whole + "\n   " + "ID #: " + id;
       return whole;

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