In: Nursing
what are the physiological response of the body systems to the condition as it attempts to restore homeostasis in multiple sclerosis patient?
(include all body systems involved)
3 structures of the brain controlling homeostasis
medulla oblongata, pituitary gland, and reticular formation
A balanced physiological state in which all the body's systems functions smoothly.
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Pattern followed in the physiological response to stress that occurs in multiple sclerosis patients.
3 Distinct stages:
The Alarm Phase
The Resistance Phase (chronic remains here)
The Exhaustion Phase
1 )The Alarm Phase
First phase of general adaptation syndrome GAS
1. Fight or flight response
2. Cerebral cortex triggers an Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
3. Sympathetic Nervous System kicks into control, controlled by the
hypothalamus, controls release of epinepherine and cortisol and
4. HR speeds up
5. Parasympathetic Nervous system dominates ANS once stressor
Autonomic Nervous System
Portion of central nervous system that regulates body functions
that person doesn't normally consciously control
(HR breathing sweat)
Parasympathetic Nervous System
responsible for slowing all the systems stimulated by stress response
aka adrenalin
hormone that stimulates body systems in response to stress
Speeds everything up
Hormone released by adrenal glands
Makes stored nutrients more readily available to meet energy
Relieve pain so better able to fight back
2)The Resistance Phase
2nd phase of GAS general adaptation syndrome
The body tries to return to homeostasis
Parasympathetic comes into play
Some perceived stressor still exists, so body doesn't achieve
complete calm
3)The Exhaustion Phase
Occurs when the physical and emotional energy used to fight has
Back to equilibrium.