In: Nursing
Vitamins are mosly senstitive to various everonmental factors, so the food can loss these nurtients quickly. As we all know that heat and air exposure cause the nutrient loss. water soluble vitamins are very unstable so preservation methods required when we cook such vegetables to retain there nutritional quality. By using simple techniques we can protect nutrient loss from foods. The most sensitive micro ingredients are Vitamin c, thiamine b1, pantothenic acid b5, pyridoxine b6 are most senstitive to heat and oxygen. Mainly vitamin b and vitamin c leaches into cooking water.
Vitamin loss prevention methods in cooking and storing:
1. Avoid continuous reheating of food.
2. Choose steaming over boiling.
3. Keep skin of vegetables if possible.
4. Use minimal amount of liquid during cooking process.
5. Avoid colors during preparing of food.
6. Cut vegetables into large pieces to decrese surface area.
7. Use microwave.