
In: Nursing

Lisa has a urinalysis which reveals pyuria and microscopic hematuria. A complete blood count (CBC) reveals...

Lisa has a urinalysis which reveals pyuria and microscopic hematuria. A complete blood count (CBC) reveals leukocytosis and she has an elevated C-reactive protein. Her complete metabolic profile (CMP) reveals acutely altered electrolyte balances.

Lisa’s temperature is 101.2, and her blood pressure is low (82/45). She is diagnosed with sepsis due to pyelonephritis and transferred to the intensive care unit.

  • Define pyuria, and how does it relate to her diagnosis?
  • What electrolyte imbalances do you suspect are found on Lisa’s CMP (use terms, not specific values)?
    • Hypothesize and explain the cause for the imbalances
    • Name 2 symptoms Lisa might experience as a result of these imbalances (that have not already been described in the prompt)
  • What alterations do you think Lisa may have in her acid-base balance?  
    • Hypothesize and explain the cause for the imbalances
    • Name 2 symptoms Lisa might experience as a result of these imbalances (that have not already been described in the prompt)
  • What mechanisms could be driving Lisa’s low blood pressure? Please explain the altered physiology behind the mechanism.


Expert Solution

1.Pyuria is defined as the presence of 10 or more white blood cells(WBCs) per cubic millimeter in a urine specimen, 3 or mone white cells per high power field of unspun urine, a positive result on gram staining of an unspun urine specimen or a urinary dipstick test that is positive for leuocyte esterase

She is diagnosed with pyelonephritis , infalmmation of renal parenchyma caused by bacteria, fungi, protozoa or virus. urosepsepsis is a sytemic infection arising from a urologic source. It can lead to septc shock and death unless promptly eradicated. Septic shock is the outcome of unresolved bactremia involving a gram negative organism


Laboratory study Findings Significance of finding

Serum electrolytes







hypernatremia found in early stages of shock because of increased secretion of aldosterone

Hyponatremia may occur iatrogenically when excess hypotonic fluid is administered after fluid loss

Hyperkalemia results when cellular death liberated intracellular death

Hypokalemia found in early shock because of increased secretion of aldosterone, causing renal excretion of potassium

Arterial Blood Gases

Respiratory alkalosis

Metabolic acidosis

found in early shock secondary to hyperventilation

Metabolic acidosis occurs later in shock when lactate accumulates in blood from anaerobic metabolism

Base deficit > -6 indicates acid production secondary to hypoxia
Blood cultures Growth of organisms may grow organisms in patients who are in shock
Liver enzymes ALT, AST,GGT elevations indicate liver cell destruction in progressive stage of shock


clinical manifestations of septic shock
System affected signs and symptoms
cardiovascular system


decreased BP

decreased capillary refil

chest pain may or may not present

pulmonary system


crackles ,respiratory acidosis leads to shortness of breath



respiratory failure ,ARDS

Renal system

Increased sodium and water retention

decreased renal blood flow

decreased urine output



cool clammy

Neurologic sytem

Decreased cerebral perfusion

alteration in mental status(confusion,agitation)


Gastrointestinal sytstem

decreased bowel sounds

nausea vomiting

GI bleeding

paralytic illeus

4. septic shock is the presence of sepsis with hypotension despite adequate fluid resuscitation along with inadequate tissue perfusion resulting in tissue hypoxia

Septic shock has 3 major pathophysiologic effects:

  • Vasodilation
  • maldistribution of blood flow
  • myocardial depression

patients may be euvolemic, but because of acute vasodilation, relative hypovolemia and hypotenion occur. In addition,blood flow in the microcirculation is decreased, causing poor oxygen delivery and tissue hypoxia

The combination of Tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 is thought to have a role in sepsis -induced myocardial dysfunction. The ejection factor is decreased for the first few days after the initial insult. Because of decreased ejection fraction ventricles dilate to maintain the stroke volume. The ejection fraction typically improves and ventricular dilation resolves over 7-10 days. Persistence of high cardiac output and a low SVR beyond 24 hrs is an omnious finding and is often associated with devlopment of hypotension

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