In: Nursing
6. Describe how you will assess for a DVT
7. What are other possible postoperative complications of knee arthroplasty?
DVT is a serious condition that occures when a blood cot forms in a vein located deep inside the body
There are some early warning singns and symptoms of DVT like
E.Leg cramps often in the calf muscle
F.Leg pain increasing with bending the foot
G.Bluish or whitish skin discoloration
Assessment of DVT includes
Homans's sign: A positive homans's sign is considered as presence of DVT. It's assesed by asking the patient to bemd the leg towards the patient nose,if there is pain in the calf muscle it's considered as homans sign positive
Duplex ultrasonography: it is imagine test that uses sound waves to check flow blood in the can detect blockage or clot in the is the gold standard method to assess DVT
Venogram: In this test a dye is injected in to the vein,then x-ray is taken where the area of suspecting dvt
D-Dimer test: To assess substance in the blood that is released while clot breaks up.
CT Scan venography: can also detect clot in the vein
MRI Venography or MRI
Question 2 answer: post operative complicoof knee arthroplasty
It includes