
In: Computer Science

System Design. UC1: Identify Equation (Use case 1) Preconditions • System is waiting for a question...

System Design.

UC1: Identify Equation (Use case 1)

Preconditions • System is waiting for a question

Postconditions • An equation has been identified

Basic Flow

1. System prompts the user for a question

2. User enters a question.

3. System analyses the question and identifies object and desired result.

4. System identifies the relevant equation.

Alternate Flows

2a) User requests help

2a.1) System displays help text about objects and questions that can be handled, and resumes from step 1

3a) No relevant object or result identified

3a.1) System displays help text about objects and questions that can be handled, and resumes from step 1

3b) Multiple candidate objects or results

3b.1) System presents candidates 3b.2) User selects desired candidate (or aborts the use case)

4a) No relevant equation found

4a.1) System informs the user and resumes at step 1

Create a design class diagram for the system implementation for the main success scenarios of the use cases UC01 (use case above) showing the classes, attributes and data types, operations, and associations. The design shall include all classes comprising the domain layer of the software implementation, including any controller class(es). Decorate classes that are persisted with the «persisted» stereotype (if applicable).

Please help me!


Expert Solution

Solution: A use Case Scenario is shown for Requesting a Question,Then Recieve and Process the question to find relevant object(s) then shows the equation for the question else no obejct or multiple objects may return.

The class diagram is shown for the given use case of above scenario with main flow and Alternate flow of events is shwon below:

Class diagram is a set of Classes , Interfaces and their relationships with cardinality and Relation name.

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