In MatLab use the linspace function and the element-wise
exponentiation (power) operator to generate the vector
1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000
Please give the answer in form of linspace( , , )
Only MATLAB solution is required. No handwritten
solution requested.
Given the system of equations
− 1.1x1 + 10x2 = 120
− 2x1 + 17.4x2 = 174
(a) Solve graphically and check your results by substituting
them back into the equations. ( 15 pts. )
(b) On the basis of the graphical solution, what do you expect
regarding the condition of the system? ( 5 pts. )
(c) Compute the determinant ( 5 pts. ).
In this exercise, you will be given a system with their
input/output relationships. Using MATLAB, determine whether the
system below are a) linear/non-linear b)
time-invariant/timevariant, c) causal/noncausal, d) has
y[n] = x2[n]
Provide MATLAB code and graphs to show your work for the
linearity and time-invariance testing
1) Use MATLAB to solve this differential equation. ??/?? = .25?
(1 − ?/4 ) - a
2) Use MATLAB to graph solution curves to this system with
several different initial values. Be sure to show at least one
solution curve for each of the scenarios found in ??/?? = .25? (1 −
?/4 ) - a ( let a = 0.16)
write a Matlab function file to solve system Ax=b by
using the output of the function lufac2a your function should have
inputs f=matrix return from lufac2a, piv=array return by lufac2a
and b=right hand side of your system.the only output for your
system should be x
1.use the column access for the matrix
2. do not create any other matrix in your function-get
your data directly from the matrix passed into your
function not use Matlab command designed...
Use the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation to calculate the pH of
each solution:
a) a solution that is 0.170M in HC2H3O2 and 0.125M in
Express your answer using two decimal places.
b) a solution that is 0.200M in CH3NH2 and 0.125M in
Express your answer using two decimal places.
3. Use matlab to plot the output voltage of an inverting
operational amplifier given the following conditions: K = Gain of
the amplifier = 12.5. Vi = input voltage -2.5 < Vi < 2.5 V],
(use 0.25 increments). V+ = positive power supply voltage, V+ = +20
V. V- = negative power supply voltage V- = -20V. Vo = output
voltage Vo = -KVi Recall that if the output voltage Vo is greater
than V+, or less than V-, the...
Use the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation to calculate the pH of
each solution: Part A a solution that contains 0.625% C 5 H 5 N by
mass and 0.820% C 5 H 5 NHCl by mass Part B a solution that is 16.0
g of HF and 24.0 g of NaF in 125 mL of solution
Use the Henderson–Hasselbalch equation to calculate the pH of
each solution:
a solution that is 17.0 g of HF and 26.5 g of NaF in 125 mL of