
In: Economics

PLEASE POST AN ORIGINAL RESPONSE Select a topic from the list below as a jumping off...


Select a topic from the list below as a jumping off point to discuss trends of globalization in the 21st century. (No more than 3 people may choose the same topic for the initial posting – first come/first pick.) Your initial posting must contain at least 2 credible, high-quality sources of outside research.

• Cross-border labor mobility

• Technology

• Child labor

• Global environmental issues

• Fair trade movement

• Monetary system issues

• Buy-local movement

• Changing global trade leadership

• Labor migration

• On-shoring

• Resurrection of nationalism

• Demographic changes to labor supply


Expert Solution

Globalization incorporates and assimilates the entire world and makes the world a free market place. It opens the door to the whole world. Globalization is the action and process by which all the markets amalgamate worldwide. It is the tendency by which the national boundaries open up and also encourages the flow of technologies, communications, goods, businesses, culture, labour, philosophies, capital, trade, investment, services and people to expand and widen all over the world. It involves the interdependence and interaction among cross cultural nations and economies internationally/ on a global scale.

At present, latest and boosting knowledge in technology is being produced at a rapid rate than any other time in the history. The communications worldwide is expeditious through the electronic, satellite and digital devices. Technology keeps the world intact. In the 21st century, the whole world runs on technology. It has created enormous transformations in the way companies and the nations work, produce, develop new processes and products. The value of how people communicate and travel has drastically reduced in the last few decades, from cheap air travel to the speedy and quick growth of the internet and mobile phones. Technology can be used to discuss the trends of globalization in the 21st century. The evolution and growth of technology has prospered in the latest years and has played a important and major role in globalization. The creation and invention of telegraph, microchip, and the telephone in the current times has transformed communication among different parts of the world. The capability of ideas, commodities, people and capital to move with ease from one part of the world to the another has been made possible only through the technological advancements. The internet has played crucial role in connecting and joining people across the different nations. It also facilitates people in countries around the world to immediately contact each another through email, and video calls. The rapid communication has changed business and social lives of the people. Innovations in transport involves the use of information and communication technology. Larger aircraft and container ships use satellite navigation systems, GPS and computers to function. Technological development has also influenced the modification in sea, air, road and rail travel.

The trend of technology in today’s 21st century would be explained more properly by referring to the latest articles

  1. Source- Financial express Date-30 January 2019

The article explains that how digital technology can help banks serve millennial customers more effectively. The three areas where the technology can be used for better processes are by creating a multichannel bank, by moving from informations to insightful ideas, and enclosing risk management and security.

  1. Source- The Indian Express Date- 4 February 2019

The article explains how the new technology is making it easier to forecast weather more effectively and accurately. Through latest technology there are better forecasting models and instruments, very good satellites, and radars used in the meteorological department.

By concluding, these are the trends in technology which shows how the world has globalized into this 21st century.

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