
In: Nursing

In this final entry into your Nurse E-Portfolio for this course, you continue to have opportunities...

In this final entry into your Nurse E-Portfolio for this course, you continue to have opportunities for reflective practice. In this entry you expand your understanding and knowledge of nutrition. Using the e-portfolio format, answer the following questions. Make sure you spend some time thinking about the answers to these questions before writing.

Since your mid-course entry have you made any changes in your 1-5 rating where 5 represents the most "healthy eater." What number would you give yourself now?

Did your rating change? If so, in what direction and in what way? What adjustments to your diet, if any, did you make?

What two important nutritional principles or concepts have you learned and will always remember? What is their impact on your delivery of quality safe nursing care?

Select one assignment that you submitted in this course that you believe is your "best work." Explain why you selected this assignment. Attach the assignment to your e-portfolio.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the ".docx" extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:



Expert Solution

Since your mid-course entry have you made any changes in your 1-5 rating where 5 represents the most "healthy eater." What number would you give yourself now?

I give myself rating of 4 now. I am trying to balance the schedule both at the work and at the home. In between this, I try to intake my adequate nutrition to my level and almost I could succeed in eating a healthy diet. So I rated 4.

Did your rating change? If so, in what direction and in what way? What adjustments to your diet, if any, did you make?

Yes. surely my rating went into a better direction. Initially, my rating was 3 and throughout this course, I tried to improve my eating habits with more amount of salad, fruits, and vegetables. I put effort to track my intake of carbs, protein, fat, according to the RDA guidelines. Another most important thing is I reduced intake of junk foods.

What two important nutritional principles or concepts have you learned and will always remember? What is their impact on your delivery of quality safe nursing care?

One of the nutritional principles is the close monitoring of calorie intake daily and burns of calorie each day. Avoid consume of unhealthy fast foods and beverages. It is also helpful in educating the client about the dietary recommendations and alterations in the planning of diet according to the patient disease condition. The second principle is the RDA guidelines and tools to calculate the individual BMI and recommended calorie needed along with exercise to meet the goals. It is also helpful in planning patient's care plan and to provide safe and efficient nursing care.

Select one assignment that you submitted in this course that you believe is your "best work." Explain why you selected this assignment. Attach the assignment to your e-portfolio.

The best work I  performed on the assignment written on the topic of childhood obesity. I selected this because childhood obesity is a major problem in almost all the countries especially in the U.S and also I found the importance of healthy nutritious diet and increased physical activity needed for children and the importance of participation of school and parents in the reduction of childhood obesity. My insight on this topic will be helpful in my future practice.

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