In: Nursing
Qn. Assessment are indicated q
Tingling sensation in the lower extremities
Qn. 2.Acute pain related to fracture ,soft tissue damage as evidenced by pain scale score
Assess type and location of patents pain whenever vitals signs are obtained and aa needed.
Position for comfort and function.
Reduce or eliminate factors that precipitate or increase the pain experience.
Modify the environment.
Provide diversion treagent.
Promote circulation.
Provide patient optimal pain relief with prescribed analgesic.
2.impaired physical mobility related to fracture ,back injury as evidenced by range of motion limitation.
Individual treatment regimen and safety measures.
Use ofor adaptive device.
Maintain therapeutic position.
Encourage patients active participation .
Iencourage mentioned and support exercise regimen.
3.peripheral neuro vascular dysfunction ,pulmonary embolism ,pressure ulcer related to immobility
Monitor vital signs.
Observe shock.
Assessment respiratory status.
Assessment affected extremits for color and temperature.
Assessment for sensation and Numbness.
4.Risk for injury relate to tissue damage.
Monitor vital signs.
Perform aspecti dressing changes.
Assessment wound appearance.
Assessment report of pain.
Administered antibiotic.
5.impaired skin integrity related to tissue damage as evidenced by physical examination.
6.knowledge deficit related to treatment regimen as evidenced by frequent asking questions.
7.fear and anxiety related to fracture as evidenced by patients verbalization.
8.sleeping pattern disturbance related to pain as evidenced by redress of face.
9.risk for infection related to prolonged hospitalzation.