In: Computer Science
Network Structures
Consider the set-up for the bipartite graph auction, with an equal number of buyers and sellers, and with each buyer having a valuation for the object being sold by each seller. Suppose that we have an instance of this problem in which there is a particular seller i who is the favorite: every buyer j has a strictly higher valuation for seller i’s object than for the object being sold by any other seller k. (In notation, we have vij > vkj for all choices of j and k 6= i.) Consider a set of market-clearing prices in this situation. Must it be the case that the price charged by seller i is strictly higher as the price charged by any other seller?
(HINT: This appears to be the case. Suppose that seller i has an object that is most valuable to all. Suppose there are market clearing prices such that buyer j buys seller k’s object paying at least as much as the price of the i’s object. Is this an edge in the graph of the preferred buyers?)
Networked systems are all around us. The accumulated evidence that complex systems cannot be fully understood by studying only their isolated constituents, has given rise to the birth of a new movement of interest and research in the study of complex networks. The expectancy is that understanding and modeling the structure of a complex network would lead to a better cottoning on its dynamical and functional behavior. Though modern network theory has produced a number of relevant results in the last few years, it is still in its infancy, particularly, when it comes to applications in real systems and to the comprehension of the relation between structure and function (dynamics). The main purpose of this research line is the study of complex networks and the collective behavior of dynamical agents that interact among them following the couplings given by the topology of these complex networks. Here we cover a range of subjects not included in (or partially related to) the previous more-specific fields:
Our research work aims at testing and demonstrating innovative use of tools and methods of complex networks that have been developed during the last few years, and we will support new methodologies and procedures in the analysis and design of complex systems. Furthermore, a considerable impact is expected by identifying the best course of action to transfer the acquired knowledge from basic sciences to the application level