In: Nursing
INFLUENCE OF MISSION IN DEVELOPING HEALTHCARE: A mission is the standard and important element in the function of an organization. These guides asthe fundamentals in the establishment of planning healthcare objectives. An organizational mission statement is defined as the statement of purpose. It serves as a guide for all the healthcare members in decision-making and helps to know the target among the organization. Moreover, it helps the workers of the organization to target the decisions and tasks best to their mission plan of the organization. For instance, some companies target on the profit-motivated missions, while others in the organizationhelps to point out and use altruistic intentions to increase the firm's profits. THE MISSION RELATION TO ORGANIZATIONAL STRATEGY: Strategic planning is the process of developing organizational objectives, strategies and tactics to achieve the mission of the organization and according to the mission the organization develops short and long term plans to improve the mission statement. In addition to this, it helps to develop strategies based on their objectives.