
In: Accounting

Visit a retailer’s website and choose two related and comparable products from two different competitors.

Visit a retailer’s website and choose two related and comparable products from two different competitors. Alternatively, you can use your own company's complaint database or the Google Review page. Sort the reviews for the products by their lowest ratings. Pick at least 30 bad reviews for each product and classify the complaints you found in them into up to five categories. Then use a runs chart, Pareto chart, and a fishbone diagram to analyze your data and provide a discussion on your findings.




Expert Solution

In this section, I visited CVS Health Corp and UnitedHealth Group Inc. websites because they deal in comparable healthcare products and picked 15 bad reviews (complaints) from each website, totaling 30 complaints. In my analysis of the complaints, I chose the Pareto chart and came up with the following chart:

Hereunder, are the detailed actions to address the customer complaint based on the findings of the Pareto chart above:

  • Customers dislike it when they have to put in an unnecessary amount of “hold time” in order to speak with a representative from a company's customer support department. When a customer calls a business and is already unhappy with the service they received, being placed on hold will only make their situation worse (McColl-Kennedy et al., 2019). Both CVS Health Corp and UnitedHealth Group Inc. should do the following: first, make their personnel responsible for understanding the entire nature of the hold-time problem they are working on, and secondly, make personnel responsible for understanding the entire nature of the hold-time problem they are working on. Customers have the right to protest to being placed on wait if an agent does not have the authority to complete a straightforward task. It is unacceptable for agents to participate in meaningless office banter or gossip while customers are on the line, and agents should be held accountable for breaking this policy.
  • If a meeting cannot be planned within the next 48 hours, then action needs to be taken. It is possible that the working hours of the health center will conflict with its open hours since there are not enough available appointments (Stevens et al., 2018). In order to accommodate patients who are unable to visit the office, the hours that health care facilities are open need to be extended. It would be beneficial to employ a greater number of doctors and physicians in hospitals. As a direct consequence of this, there will be a reduced number of available appointments. Patients who require urgent medical attention are required to receive priority treatment at medical facilities.
  • If patients have to wait in the examination room for more than twenty minutes, there is a problem that has to be addressed. If a patient waits for longer than twenty minutes, it may damage the relationship between the doctor and the patient (Stevens et al., 2018). The organizations should therefore determine the anticipated arrival time of the patient to ensure that the length of time spent waiting is kept to a minimum. It is preferable to send the patient a text message rather than phone them in order to let them know what is going on. Call the patient before they leave their house to travel to the hospital if there is a chance that the appointment may need to be moved. Text messages are a recorded record, in contrast to phone calls, which can easily be forgotten.

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