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Briefly Discuss the Introduction of COCA-COLA (MUST BE CATCHY) Environmental Analysis, SWOT Consumer Behavior, and the 4ps, parts of Add and Promotion, Social Media Add, Printed Add, and Conclusion.

Briefly Discuss the Introduction of COCA-COLA (MUST BE CATCHY) Environmental Analysis, SWOT Consumer Behavior, and the 4ps, parts of Add and Promotion, Social Media Add, Printed Add, and Conclusion.


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Coca-Cola, a well-known brand, has spread their business all over the world. We can see Coca-Cola increasingly in popular countries like USA, Brazil, Australia, India, African countries. In one sentence, we can say that Coca-Cola is capable of doing business all over the world with good reputation. Advertising any product is necessary to build its appearance in the market. So, advertising and promotional ad campaign is necessary for introducing any products to the people. Here we are going to develop an advertising and promotional ad campaign on Coca-Cola with its different products mixed with alcohol like Rum, Whiskey, . as flavours. The motive of our advertising and ad campaign is to make profits and helps to increase sales the Coca-Cola soft drink products at an affordable prices so that people can enjoy the soft drinks. This is possible if the Coca-Cola with alcohol products are sent to the consumer, channel members and industrial users through our advertising and ad campaign. Publicity of the Coca-Cola products like Coca-Cola Rum, Coca-Cola whisky is necessary so that the idea of products can reach towards people and people can enjoy by consuming our products. It is really challenging task as different soft drink company like Red Bull, PepsiCo has strong position in the market. Planting personal excitement among people by marketing the products is necessary as personal excitement of buying a product is always helps to create a perfect business environment and it is profitable also. When people buy any product on the behalf of own interest, that product is sold most in the market. It is necessary to publish advertisements on social media platforms. Besides, influencer can play a significant role in advertising the Coca-Cola products. Sometimes, big companies promote their products on commercial sites by actors, actresses as the tendency of buying a product by seeing their favourite actors, actresses are showing in advertisement is the most by statistical data. So, we will attempt to popularise our alcoholic Coca-Cola products at cost $5 per bottle. Most of the people in our generation like little amount of alcoholic products with soft drinks in any occasion, party. Normally, it is seen that normal soft drinks without alcoholic flavours is drunk by children. Senior school students, college students, officers, job persons like soft drinks mixed with alcohol. So, it is expected that the chance of selling our products will be huge if our advertising and ad campaign become successful.

Aims of the report:

The aims of our report project is to advertise and ad campaign of Coca-Cola with alcohol as flavours. We will analyse the SWOT analysis and Environment analysis of our products. We will show consumer’s decision making process, opportunities of advertisement in different platforms.

Advertising and brand :

Advertising any product or brand visualises a tendency for the average individual to assume advertising by means of provoking the consumer to buyer a product or an idea. Advertising plays an important role by promoting any product towards the consumer in daily life. Marketing, communication, economic to socio-cultural roles are often manipulated by proper advertisement. Coca-Cola not only focuses only on its external customers but it also invests efforts in satisfying its internal customers which includes the workers and employees. Coca-Cola markets its products and creates a favourable image in the minds of its internal customers such that these internal customers can then reciprocate it to the external customers. When the company and its internal customers believe and act upon the same philosophies it is only then they can best acquire and serve its external customers. So, our strategy will be same as Coca-Cola company. To become successful, advertisement strategy should be good enough to sell any kind of products in the market.

Coca-Cola has always been ahead of its rival companies due to its very creative and effective advertising strategies. Coca-Cola adopts and implements aggressive marketing tactics and releases advertising campaigns both in offline and online media, print Ads, and exclusively

engage in many sponsorship opportunities and programs such as Fifa world cup, American Idol, Olympics games, etc. The giant company not only addresses its advertising campaigns on its customers but also on its distributors, bottlers and retailers by assisting with hoardings and fridges for advertising and branding purposes. Apart from these, it has hired many famous personalities and celebrities as its brand ambassadors and also captures the emotional insights of its customers by engaging and showcasing many activities related to CSR. Due to small budget we shall not able to promote our products via celebrities. Instead of that billboard is a good option for us. Besides, our ad campaign will be based on sponsorship of small shop owners due to our small budget. We are not a brand. Instead of that, we are making a new unique products by mixed different brands like Coca-Cola, Rum, Whiskey etc.


Sometimes advertising discourage to use some products in order to encourage to buy specific products. This is special kind of business ideas many by advertising the products. The anti-smoking advertisement certainly discourage the habit of smoking cigarette or tobacco products. What about ideas, there is no better time in the history of the world than the present to identify how advertising is been used to discourage certain harmful ideas. Few Islamic fundamentalist encourage the youngsters across the western country to kill people by advertising themselves remotely and it is harmful to society. It is seen that few countries took steps against these Islamic fundamentalist in past and arranged advertisement on television, radio, social media so that youngsters maintained safe distance from them. These two examples are shown that how advertising is being used to discourage the interest in harmful products and idea. This is the example of socio-cultural role of advertisement. advertising is present as the tool of marketing products and ideas that are of benefit to the consumers and society as a whole. We have seen the advertisement strategy of Coca-Cola by which their brand is popular across the world. Coca-Cola take the advantage of socio-cultural and marketing role of advertisement to develop its economic value.

The required product and ideas of targeted market should be known well before making an advertisement. Our Coca-Cola mixed with alcohol advertising campaign will be done through the identification of the specific target market that would be interested in drinking Coca-Cola. Our marketing strategy will be to make our products available in the places where young people gather for enjoyment. The advertisement will be successful if the young people are in active celebrative mood. College campuses, cinema halls, parks, sporting areas etc. are the best places for giving advertisements of our Coca-Cola mixed products. People tends to buy soft drinks products mixed with little amount of alcohol from these places.

We need to take affordable price of our bottles so that people do not hesitate to taste our products. The effectiveness of the marketing role in reaching its target customers through the clever presentation of its brand to the customer through the deployment of all the four Ps’ of marketing mix is impossible to understand. Our products will be successful as we are going to the brand Coca-Cola. People like this brand and with the help of proper advertising campaign we will definitely become successful.

Our Coca-Cola products and Advertising: Television, Social media, Tik Tok, Billboard etc.:

The people will not be aware of our Coca-Cola products mixed with alcohol if we will not give proper advertisement in Television, Social media platforms, Tik Tok, Billboard etc. The advertising media used by Coca-Cola for promoting their products is mainly an investigation to identify the ways that these selected media have been used by the company in achieving its brand iconic status. We have selected Television, Social media platforms, Tik Tok, Billboard as they are the principal of the advertising media available to any organisation irrespective of their business sector. All these media will have independent existence and promote any products independently.



Television as Advertising media of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products:

Television works as a good advertising medium for Coca-Cola companies. Recently Radio has lost its identity as an advertising medium of big and branded company. Due to popularity of social media, people hardly hear radio. So, branded companies like Coca-Cola do not show interest to give advertisement in radio. But people still watches sports movies in big screen like television. Most of the people uses mobile devices, iPad for watching sports, movies, Web series by taking subscription of popular app like Netflix. But still people love to watch their best program like champions league, IPL, FIFA world cup in television. So, big brand like Coca-Cola still gives their advertisement on TV. We are also interested to give advertisement of our products on TV so that our products will be able to gain its popularity.

Social media as Advertising media of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products:

We are taking the advantage of the brand image of Coca-Cola Company in advertising our Coca-Cola products in social media platforms. Millions of people are fan of Coca-Cola products and social media is a big platform to promote our products. It is not surprising that social media like YouTube, Facebook, twitter, Instagram are the best platform to give advertisement of our products in the today’s Internet age. Our social media marketing and ad campaigning will brought our products in a revolutionary change in their visibility. Our main objective is to increase the sales of our Coca-Cola products. YouTube is today a big social media platform in which most of the people spend their free time by watching different channels. So, advertisement on YouTube will help to attract the attention of people easily. Facebook is also another social media platforms in which a huge number of people remains active. The advertisement will be effective in Facebook easily. Recently, there is a bad image of Facebook as they steal the personal information of public and sold it for business. After this incident the Facebook lost millions of users. With the decreasing population of Facebook, Instagram has now taken the position of Facebook. The users who left Facebook joins Instagram now. So, advertising on Instagram will be effective. Coca-Cola has also their own Instagram page will millions of followers. Creating a page on Instagram and promote our products will be helpful.

Tik Tok as Advertising media of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products:

Tik Tok is now a individual short video making platform popular throughout the world. Coca-Cola lunches first Tik Tok challenge in US one year ago. Also Coca-Cola has their own Tik Tok official page. Giving advertisements of our products in Tik Tok will definitely benefit us.

Billboard as Advertising media of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products:

We all saw the advertisement of branded products besides the roadside, bus station, highways in the billboard. Even at the time of Internet age, billboard has not its popularity. Big brands always keen to give advertisement of their products on billboards. In our daily life, we cannot ignore the billboards. It is not possible to avoid to see the advertisement of billboards. That’s why giving advertisements in billboards is still very useful. We are interested to give advertisement of our products on billboards. With the development of science, three-dimensional LED display are used in billboards to attract the concentration of people at night. Besides gigantic robotic billboards can be seen in cities and they are able to draw the attention of public. We are keen to give advertisement of our products on billboards in crowded places.

SWOTanalysiss of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products:

We should do the SWOT analysis of our Coca-Cola mixed alcohol products as it is necessary to know the opportunities, weakness, threat, strength of our products. This analysis will definitely help us to understand how much is the possibilities of becoming popular of our products. Definitely the image of Coca-Cola will help us to gain the profit in market. Besides, we are using alcohol such as Rum, Whiskey as flavours in Coca-Cola to make it alcoholic soft drinks.


  • Our products is very unique. Generally people buy Coca-Cola, alcohol separately and mixed with each other in party. Our product is the mixture of Coca-Cola and alcohol. So, people will get ready made alcoholic soft drink products from us which is really a good part of our products.
  • Our products are easily available in market.
  • We kept affronted price of $5 per bottle.
  • There will be hybrid variety of flavours like Rum, Whiskey etc. that makes our product really enjoyable to drink.
  • Different types of alcoholic brand maintain our product diversity.


  • Coca-Cola has the aggressive competition with other products like PepsiCo, Red bull. As our main drinking product is Coca-Cola, people will definitely like our products.
  • There is always a health risk of drinking carbonate and alcoholic products. Consumption of huge amounts of our products can lead to huge health issues. Experts prohibits to drink much carbonated and alcoholic products.
  • The packaging quality is not good and not safe for environment.
  • Coca-Cola is facing a patent infringement lawsuit for using a dispenser that can recognise users and customers drinks based on their preferences.
  • Plastic bottles are non-destructive materials and many poisonous gases are released on burning plastic. There is always a environmental pollution issue with plastic bottles.
  • Our products can lead to addiction which is not good.
  • We are able to sell our products on particular locations as alcoholic products can be sold in many places.


  • There is a variety of alcoholic products and these can be used as flavours.
  • We can use glass bottles instead of plastic bottles in packaging. The environmental issues can be avoided and the most of the people like glass bottles packaging products.
  • Our products will be sold much on hot regions or summer times. We can engage to sell our products more in that region or season.


  • Other alcoholic companies have strong business in USA. People used to buy branded products. Our product is not branded. So, many people might have the hesitation to consume our products.
  • Safety level and prohibition have been marked on branded products after laboratories testing. We do not have such facility. So, people might not show interest to consume our products. New products are always in a challenging situation we saw in past. So, the chance of selling our products might face difficulties.


Environmental Analysis of our Coca-Cola mixed with alcohol products:

Cultural aspects of our products:

Coca-Cola has built their business worldwide and they have reached into many cultures. People from different cultures has accepted Coca-Cola as a soft drink people. It is seen that in the areas of Latin America, coke has been integrated into the local cuisine and religious practices. At the time of 1970s in Mexico, religious enthusiasm people used to mix alcohol with Coca-Cola for the communication with spirits. They do not mind the abuse of alcohol as addictive drink. Sometimes, Coca-Cola is given in the diet chart for the supplement of sugar for few low sugar level patients. So, our product has positive cultural aspects in case of marketing and consuming it. So, our marketing and advertising campaign will be within USA as we readily know the culture of different parts of USA.

Demographics of our targeted market:

Our products will be useful in all over the USA. As students, this is our range of areas where we can able to sell our products. We can sell our products in winter by mixing more alcohol with Coca-Cola so that people can enjoy the taste of Coca-Cola along with alcohol which helps to keep their body worm in cold. In summer, we shall lower the quality of alcohol and it will act as only a favour so that people can enjoy the coke in summer. In other seasons, the quantity of Coca-Cola and alcohol will be mixed in such a way that people will feel comfortable in drinking our products. Our marketing and advertising campaign will be within USA.

Current economic situation:

We know that COVID-19 pandemic has a serious impact in the economy of the world as well as USA. Lots of human lost their lives in this pandemic. Now the economic conditions of USA is increasingly stable. The income of people which almost stopped at the time of pandemic has increased again. So, people will not be hesitate to buy soft drinks products. In thus case, we have positive environmental of spreading our business. The restrictions of COVID-19 pandemic has fully withdrawn in recent times. So, our marketing and advertising campaign will be successful.



The aim and objective of our marketing and advertising campaign will definitely be successful if we follow the SWOT analysis report and environmental analysis. Besides, the opportunity of advertising in different media are different in nowadays. By making proper marketing strategy, our Coca-Cola mixed with alcohol products will be sold effectively in the market of USA. As we are using branded products like Coca-Cola, Rum, Whiskey, we cannot appear as an unique brand.

The aim and objective of our marketing and advertising campaign will definitely be successful if we follow the SWOT analysis report and environmental analysis. 

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