In: Economics
The NCCA,( National college athletic assocaiation) is the private no-profit organization. This assocaition supervises the inter-collegiate sports of many colleges. There are 1000 colleges and universities across the United states of America. The NCCA is capable of creating millions of dollars. The NCCA is created in 1905 with the respect to increase in violent activities in college football. In the later years the NCCA hs grown much bigger and now it is a large business firm. The Sherman act passed in the United States to remove concentrations of trade and reduce economic competitions in the country. The law was named after the U.S senator Jhon Sherman. The Shermanact i s puts a restraint on individuals and organizations to monoplize trade and commerece. In this case the Congress must enact the Sherman act because the NCCA has been monopolizing the inter collegiate sports activities for years.the NCAA's regulations concerning televising college football games. The NCAA controlled all negotiations with networks regarding televising games, forcing all members to comply with any agreement made between the NCAA and any network.