In: Accounting
Discuss the reasons why some items are exempt in the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of the United States of America from packaging requirement regulations
The iFair iPackaging iand iLabeling iAct i(FPLA ior iAct), ienacted iin i1967, idirects ithe iFederal iTrade iCommission iand ithe iFood iand iDrug iAdministration ito iissue iregulations irequiring ithat iall i"consumer icommodities" ibe ilabeled ito idisclose inet icontents, iidentity iof icommodity, iand iname iand iplace iof ibusiness iof ithe iproduct's imanufacturer, ipacker, ior idistributor. iThe iAct iauthorizes iadditional iregulations iwhere inecessary ito iprevent iconsumer ideception i(or ito ifacilitate ivalue icomparisons) iwith irespect ito idescriptions iof iingredients, islack ifill iof ipackages, iuse iof i"cents-off" ior ilower iprice ilabeling, ior icharacterization iof ipackage isizes. iThe iOffice iof iWeights iand iMeasures iof ithe iNational iInstitute iof iStandards iand iTechnology, iU.S. iDepartment iof iCommerce, iis iauthorized ito ipromote ito ithe igreatest ipracticable iextent iuniformity iin iState iand iFederal iregulation iof ithe ilabeling iof iconsumer icommodities.
Basic iRequirements: iThe iFPLA irequires ieach ipackage iof ihousehold i"consumer icommodities" ithat iis iincluded iin ithe icoverage iof ithe iFPLA ito ibear ia ilabel ion iwhich ithere iis:
1. a istatement iidentifying ithe icommodity, ie.g., idetergent, isponges, ietc.;
2. the iname iand iplace iof ibusiness iof ithe imanufacturer, ipacker, ior idistributor;
3. And ithe inet iquantity iof icontents iin iterms iof iweight, imeasure, ior inumerical icount i(measurement imust ibe iin iboth imetric iand iinch/pound iunits).
Purpose iof ithe iAct: iThe iFPLA iis idesigned ito ifacilitate ivalue icomparisons iand ito iprevent iunfair ior ideceptive ipackaging iand ilabeling iof imany ihousehold i"consumer icommodities."
FDA: iThe iFood iand iDrug iAdministration i(FDA) iadministers ithe iFPLA iwith irespect ito ifoods, idrugs, icosmetics, iand imedical idevices. iThe iFTC iadministers ithe iFPLA iwith irespect ito iother i"consumer icommodities" ithat iare iconsumed ior iexpended iin ithe ihousehold. iMany iproducts ithat iare iexempt ifrom ithe iFPLA inevertheless ifall iwithin ithe ipurview iof ithe iWeights iand iMeasures ilaws iof ithe iindividual istates.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iThe iFair iPackaging iand iLabeling iAct i(FPLA) iof i1966 iis ia iconsumer iprotection ilegislation ithat idirects ithe iFDA iand iFTC ito iissue iregulations ifor ithe ipackaging iand ilabeling iof iproducts. iThe iact idirects iproduct imanufacturers ito idisclose iinformation itruthfully iand icompletely ithrough ipackages iand ilabels. i
The iFPLA iwas ienacted ito iensure ithat iconsumers iwere igiven ienough iinformation ito imake ithe iright ichoice ibetween icompeting iproducts. iIt iaimed ito iput ian iend ito iunfair ior ideceptive ipackaging iof ihousehold iconsumer icommodities.
i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i iAccording ito ithe iAct, ithe iterm ipackage imeans iany icontainer ior iwrapping iin iwhich iany iconsumer icommodity iis ienclosed iand idisplayed ifor iretail. iIt idoes inot iinclude:
1. Shipping icontainers iand iwrapping ifor itransport iof icommodities iin ibulk ifrom imanufacturers ito iretailers iand ivice iversa
2. Shipping icontainers iand iwrapping iwithout iprinted imatter iabout icontents iused iby iretailers ito iship ior ideliver icommodities ito itheir icustomers
Labels irefer ito iany iwritten, iprinted ior igraphic imatter iaffixed ito iany iconsumer icommodity ior ipackages icontaining ithe icommodity.
Principal iDisplay iPanel imeans ithat ipart iof ithe ilabel ithat iis imost ilikely ito ibe ion idisplay ior ishown iwhen idisplayed ifor iretail isale.
The iFPLA irequires ilabels ion ihousehold iconsumer icommodities ito iinclude ithe ifollowing iinformation:
1. Statement iidentifying ithe icommodity
2. Name iand iplace iof ibusiness iof ithe imanufacturer, ipacker ior idistributor
3. Net iquantity iof icontents iin iterms iof iweight, imeasure ior inumerical icount.
Furthermore, ithe iAct istipulates ithat ilabels ishould:
1. Include imeasures iand iweights iin iboth imetric iand iinch/pound iterms
2. Appear iin iconspicuous iand ieasily ilegible itype iin idistinct icontrast iwith iother imatter ion ithe ipackage
3. Disclose ithe inet iquantity iof iservings iif ithe ilabel imentions inumber iof iservings iincluded iin ithe icommodity
Promulgating iauthority iand ienforcement
According ito ithe iFPLA, ithe iFDA iadministers iand ienforces ithe iAct’s irequirements iwith irespect ito ifood, idrugs, icosmetics iand imedical idevices.
The iFTC iadministers iand iregulated ilabeling iand ipackaging irequirements iof iother iconsumer icommodities ithat iare iconsumed ior iexpended iin ithe ihousehold.
Authorization iof iadditional iregulations
The iAct iauthorizes iadditional iregulations iwhere inecessary ito iprevent iconsumer ideception i(or ito ifacilitate ivalue icomparisons) iwith irespect ito idescriptions iof iingredients, islack ifill iof ipackages, iuse iof i"cents-off" ior ilower iprice ilabeling, ior icharacterization iof ipackage isizes.
1. The iFTC’s iregulations iunder ithe iAct ido inot iapply ito iproducts idistributed ifor iindustrial ior iinstitutional iuses
2. The iAct idoes inot iapply ito iinsecticides, ifungicides iand irodenticides iwhich ifall iunder ithe ijurisdiction iof ithe iEnvironmental iProtection iAgency i(EPA)
3. The iFPLA ialso idoes inot iinclude iproducts isuch ias:
a. Meat iand imeat iproducts
b. Poultry iand ipoultry iproducts
c. Tobacco iand itobacco iproducts
d. Prescription idrugs
e. Beverages ithat ihave iseparate ilabeling iand ipackaging irequirements iunder ithe iFederal iAlcohol iAdministration iAct
f. Clothing iand iother itextiles
g. Durable igoods
h. Hardware iand itools
i. Automotive iproducts
j. Bottled igas ifor iheating ior icooking
k. Christmas ilight isets, ilawn iand igarden isupplies
l. Cigarette ilighters
m. Small iarmy iammunition
n. Inks, istationery iand iwriting isupplies, ischool isupplies
o. Greeting icard iand igift iwraps
p. Pet icare isupplies
q. Sewing iaccessories, ithreads
4. Many iproducts ithat iare iexempt ifrom ithe iFPLA inevertheless ifall iwithin ithe ipurview iof ithe iWeights iand iMeasures ilaws iof ithe iindividual istates.
Rules iand iRegulations
i(a) iPromulgating iauthority
The iauthority ito ipromulgate iregulations iunder ithis ichapter iis ivested iin i(A) ithe iSecretary iof iHealth iand iHuman iServices i(referred ito ihereinafter ias ithe i''Secretary'') iwith irespect ito iany iconsumer icommodity iwhich iis ia ifood, idrug, idevice, ior icosmetic, ias ieach isuch iterm iis idefined iby isection i321 iof ititle i21; iand i(B) ithe iFederal iTrade iCommission i(referred ito ihereinafter ias ithe i''Commission'') iwith irespect ito iany iother iconsumer icommodity.
(b) iExemption iof icommodities ifrom iregulations
If ithe ipromulgating iauthority ispecified iin ithis isection ifinds ithat, ibecause iof ithe inature, iform, ior iquantity iof ia iparticular iconsumer icommodity, ior ifor iother igood iand isufficient ireasons, ifull icompliance iwith iall ithe irequirements iotherwise iapplicable iunder isection i1453 iof ithis ititle iis iimpracticable ior iis inot inecessary ifor ithe iadequate iprotection iof iconsumers, ithe iSecretary ior ithe iCommission i(whichever ithe icase imay ibe) ishall ipromulgate iregulations iexempting isuch icommodity ifrom ithose irequirements ito ithe iextent iand iunder isuch iconditions ias ithe ipromulgating iauthority idetermines ito ibe iconsistent iwith isection i1451 iof ithis ititle.
(c) iScope iof iadditional iregulations
Whenever ithe ipromulgating iauthority idetermines ithat iregulations icontaining iprohibitions ior irequirements iother ithan ithose iare inecessary ito iprevent ithe ideception iof iconsumers ior ito ifacilitate ivalue icomparisons ias ito iany iconsumer icommodity, isuch iauthority ishall ipromulgate iwith irespect ito ithat icommodity iregulations ieffective ito i-
(1) iestablish iand idefine istandards ifor icharacterization iof ithe isize iof ia ipackage ienclosing iany iconsumer icommodity, iwhich imay ibe iused ito isupplement ithe ilabel istatement iof inet iquantity iof icontents iof ipackages icontaining isuch icommodity, ibut ithis iparagraph ishall inot ibe iconstrued ias iauthorizing iany ilimitation ion ithe isize, ishape, iweight ior imass, idimensions, ior inumber iof ipackages iwhich imay ibe iused ito ienclose iany icommodity;
(2) iregulate ithe iplacement iupon iany ipackage icontaining iany icommodity, ior iupon iany ilabel iaffixed ito isuch icommodity, iof iany iprinted imatter istating ior irepresenting iby iimplication ithat isuch icommodity iis ioffered ifor iretail isale iat ia iprice ilower ithan ithe iordinary iand icustomary iretail isale iprice ior ithat ia iretail isale iprice iadvantage iis iaccorded ito ipurchasers ithereof iby ireason iof ithe isize iof ithat ipackage ior ithe iquantity iof iits icontents;
(3) irequire ithat ithe ilabel ion ieach ipackage iof ia iconsumer icommodity i(other ithan ione iwhich iis ia ifood iwithin ithe imeaning iof isection i321(f) iof ititle i21) ibear i(A) ithe icommon ior iusual iname iof isuch iconsumer icommodity, iif iany, iand i(B) iin icase isuch iconsumer icommodity iconsists iof itwo ior imore iingredients, ithe icommon ior iusual iname iof ieach isuch iingredient ilisted iin iorder iof idecreasing ipredominance, ibut inothing iin ithis iparagraph ishall ibe ideemed ito irequire ithat iany itrade isecret ibe idivulged; ior
(4) iPrevent ithe inonfunctional-slack-fill iof ipackages icontaining iconsumer icommodities. i
(d) iDevelopment iby imanufacturers, ipackers, iand idistributors iof ivoluntary iproduct istandards
Whenever ithe iSecretary iof iCommerce idetermines ithat ithere iis iundue iproliferation iof ithe iweights ior imasses, imeasures, ior iquantities iin iwhich iany iconsumer icommodity ior ireasonably icomparable iconsumer icommodities iare ibeing idistributed iin ipackages ifor isale iat iretail iand isuch iundue iproliferation iimpairs ithe ireasonable iability iof iconsumers ito imake ivalue icomparisons iwith irespect ito isuch iconsumer icommodity ior icommodities, ihe ishall irequest imanufacturers, ipackers, iand idistributors iof ithe icommodity ior icommodities ito iparticipate iin ithe idevelopment iof ia ivoluntary iproduct istandard ifor isuch icommodity ior icommodities iunder ithe iprocedures ifor ithe idevelopment iof ivoluntary iproducts istandards iestablished iby ithe iSecretary ipursuant ito isection i272 iof ithis ititle. iSuch iprocedures ishall iprovide iadequate imanufacturer, ipacker, idistributor, iand iconsumer irepresentation.
(e) iReport iand irecommendations ito iCongress iupon iindustry ifailure ito idevelop ior iabide iby ivoluntary iproduct istandards
If i(1) iafter ione iyear iafter ithe idate ion iwhich ithe iSecretary iof iCommerce ifirst imakes ithe irequest iof imanufacturers, ipackers, iand idistributors ito iparticipate iin ithe idevelopment iof ia ivoluntary iproduct istandard ias iprovided iin isubsection i(d) iof ithis isection, ihe idetermines ithat isuch ia istandard iwill inot ibe ipublished ipursuant ito ithe iprovisions iof isuch isubsection i(d), ior i
(2) iif isuch ia istandard iis ipublished iand ithe iSecretary iof iCommerce idetermines ithat iit ihas inot ibeen iobserved, ihe ishall ipromptly ireport isuch idetermination ito ithe iCongress iwith ia istatement iof ithe iefforts ithat ihave ibeen