
In: Computer Science

in c++, please provide only a function. the function should be named "tally." it takes no...

in c++,

please provide only a function. the function should be named "tally." it takes no parameters but returns an int. the first int should be 0, next being 1, then 2, etc..

will rate if correct. again should only be 1 function.


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//function declaration

int tally();

int main()


cout<<"first call of tally function return value: "<<tally()<<endl;

cout<<"second call of tally function return value: "<<tally()<<endl;

cout<<"third call of tally function return value: "<<tally()<<endl;

cout<<"fourth call of tally function return value: "<<tally()<<endl;


//function definition


Function name: tally

input: None

Output: returns integer

first call return 0, second call returns 1 and so on


int tally()


static int ret=0;

return ret++;




first call of tally function return value: 0
second call of tally function return value: 1
third call of tally function return value: 2
fourth call of tally function return value: 3

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